Who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't look for in a woman? I find a smart woman incredibly sexy, especially if she can debate me and win. I don't want to be in a relationship with a woman who can't match my intelligence. What are we going to spend all night talking about? Shoe shopping? Challenging me intellectually is basically the sexiest thing a woman can do to impress me.
Personality comes with intelligence, as does morals... and a woman who is as intelligent as me will most likely share my ideas about life. Looks are the least important thing I look for in a woman. Everyone gets old, everyone gets fat and there is no telling if someone is going to get severely injured and lose their looks. I want to love the person on the inside and have them be a match to who I am. If she isn't smart like I am, she won't match with me at all.
And I won't have to worry about gold diggers... I don't plan on living a life of luxury. If a woman finds out that I plan to live a modest life in a modest home with modest things and her major concerns in life are building a Prada collection, she'll leave pretty quickly, I can bet you that.
I didnt' tell you to do anything. I told you I disagree. Personality does not equal intelligence.There's tons of educated chicks I talked to and interacted with and a good amount of them were boring. There's plenty of dumb chicks I talked to and interacted with they had me laughing, smiling, and kept me entertained. Intelligence has little to do with conversation.
Girls are girls. It's funny your telling me this when one of my friends is dating this chick. She's in college and was practically a nerd in highschool. She has NO conversation skills at all. All she talks about is her hair, what her girlfriends do, SHOES, Cute outfits and meaning less garbage.
Just because some one is smart won't mean they won't stab you in the back. Pffft and you wonder how rich men get played by women. Alot of men have their priorities screwed up.
Alot of women cheat, and play their man behind their back. Young, old, short, tall nearly every women cheats or backstabs their man in some shape or form. Which is why morals is the most important to me. I have seen ALOT of men get played in the worst way. Women today can be very cold HEARTED and they feel no guilt.
You dont have to be rich to attract a gold digger. Most gold diggers aren't as obvious as they use to be. There's this girl at my friend's job who sleeps around on her boyfriend but she stays with him because he buys her stuff from time to time.
Yea I had bought my gf a promise ring to marry to her for christmas and she told me yes and she was cheating on me. So her tears of "joy" were complete bull and I've learned no girl can be trusted. For some awkward reason although contradicting my first statement I find my new gf to be very trusting because I'm the one who breaks her heart all the time and I can see how much she loves me its not even funny.
I dont even know why women do that when they caught. They will cry and turn it back on the guy like his fault for her cheating ways or she will try to make him feel guilty or sympathetic.
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