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[QUOTE="JediXMan7"][QUOTE="lightleggy"] exactly...all the kids who have murdered someone over a video game (which I believe is a small number...) had issues already, antisocial tendencies, the games didnt caused that, yet a lot of "experts in the field" just love to blame at something so they go around making campaigns like "video games are responsible for our society's status!" and how would playing a violent video game make them mature earlier? the first gory videogame I played was dino crisis when I was like 6 and I was still a kid with a kid's view on the world after playing it. also when I say violent I mean games with gore or tons of blood...I dont consider punching someone or war games as "violent video games"lightleggy
I think that kids should be interested in age-appropriate things. Who decides what's age appropriate? I suppose the parents do. It all depends on the child. I think that if a child is exposed to mature-themed media then they may miss out of other things that are for their age group. But it depends on the child.
Alright. Just wanted to be clear.
you know kids who get the mini einteins educational cds are dumber than the ones who play violent video gamesWhat's your point? And I didn't say "mini Einteins," whatever that is. What's an Eintein?
Again, depends on the child. What's age appropriate for one is not for another. Though I still don't see gore as good for those other 13.
[QUOTE="sonicare"]dont trust on what they I said there is almost 0 actual evidence that they harmful....what the psychiatrist (btw...psychologist is more likely to tell you something like that...a psychiatrist is someone who approaches the problem from an illness for example psychiatrist say the problem is a lack of a certain substance in the brain, while psychologist say its caused because of a traumatic experience... either way, most of the stuff that is said about kids playing violent video games is completly biased and false...hell...most of the things you've been thaught about psychology are fake.... I trust them more than I'd trust someone with no medcal background. Most things that they say are based off of clinical research. While it is very difficult to study the human mind, repeated observations of certain behaviors can give you an idea of the influence of certain factors. Simply because you think that violent media has "zero influence" on a young, developing mind, does not make it so. It does have an influence. Not all people will go bad because of violent media, but it does play a role. Most violent behavior tends to be multifactorial. Why not control the modifiable risk factors?No I would not. I think if the majority of pediatrician's and child psychiatrists believe that violent media has negative influence on kids, I'm going to go with their recommendations.
dont trust on what they I said there is almost 0 actual evidence that they harmful....what the psychiatrist (btw...psychologist is more likely to tell you something like that...a psychiatrist is someone who approaches the problem from an illness for example psychiatrist say the problem is a lack of a certain substance in the brain, while psychologist say its caused because of a traumatic experience... either way, most of the stuff that is said about kids playing violent video games is completly biased and false...hell...most of the things you've been thaught about psychology are fake.... I trust them more than I'd trust someone with no medcal background. Most things that they say are based off of clinical research. While it is very difficult to study the human mind, repeated observations of certain behaviors can give you an idea of the influence of certain factors. Simply because you think that violent media has "zero influence" on a young, developing mind, does not make it so. It does have an influence. Not all people will go bad because of violent media, but it does play a role. Most violent behavior tends to be multifactorial. Why not control the modifiable risk factors? trust them if you want to, but seriously, what they say is just completly biased, even those studies are biased, I Want to see studies performed by people with neutral views, not some jack thompson trying to throw any crap he has at hand to convince everyone that videogames are harmful. and like I said most of the stuff you see in psychology are blatantly the thing which says we only use 10% of our brain, that was debunked like 15 years ago yet everyone still believes it[QUOTE="lightleggy"][QUOTE="sonicare"]
No I would not. I think if the majority of pediatrician's and child psychiatrists believe that violent media has negative influence on kids, I'm going to go with their recommendations.
It depends on two main criteria:
1. Is it something so important to watch or interact with that age is irrelevant?
2. Are they too young to understand what's going on in the first place and the violence would only serve to confuse or scar them?
While I can't protect my (future) offspring forever, I have huge qualms with them watching movies or playing games that they absolutely should not be playing. Do I want my kids playing Mortal Kombat or watching A Clockwork Orange? Absolutely not. Whether or not these media objects scar them isn't the question. The outcome of the media in question is more relevant. When they are ready to watch these movies with an open mind and a clear background of education, then I have no problem letting them approach said media.
I played Mortal Kombat when I was 14 or so. I thought it was campy and dumb then and I still do. That being said, I don't want my future children playing the game before they are ready for it. I don't want my 8 year old son playing that game or any other game where violence is clearly and markedly the point of the game. Not until I play it first or they reach the age where it doesn't matter anymore.
Movies like A Clockwork Orange, or No Country for Old Men, or some other dark movies are not things I want my kids watching. While they're young, they should be focusing on movies more towards their age that have arguably the same level of depth, such as older Disney films or anything by Pixar. When they're old enough to understand and cognitively reason why certain stories are dark or violent, then they can watch them. I'm going to go ahead and say that I don't want my son or daughter watching something that would only do harm till they are old enough to understand and rationalize what's going on in front of them.
once i thought they were mature enough. so like, teenager maybe. i don't remember when i first experience violent media but i'm pretty sure i was at most a teenager, and i'm fine. so if they're a teenager i'm fine with them watching most things, i guess.
I watched violent movies and played violent video games growing up, so, yes I think I would let them do the same.
I would make limits. I wouldn't let them play games like GTA or anything with dark elements until they're older and can understand better. I would be cautious with what movies they would watch. I would like to wait till their older and can understand things better. I would of course explain it to them that what they see in video games and movies is real and they cannot do this in real life.
I'd be more inclined to let them watch violent movies. I'd have to watch the movie first, of course, to see if I think my kids are mature enough to handle it. But when it comes to "mature" treatment of such things as violence and sex, I generally trust movies far more than I trust videogames.
Furthermore, it only takes me two hours to watch an R-rated movie in order to see if the content is appropriate for my child. If we're talking about a "Mature" rated videogame, we could easily be talking about over ten hours. With that just being the main quest, not counting any side missions or bonus content. If I'm gonna be screeening this stuff for my kids before I let them run wild with it, then it's far easier to just stick to the movies instead of the videogames.
If your children become warped from watching media, you need to improve your parenting skills, simple as that. Rather important to teach kids the skill of filtering gold from crap.
Sure, I started playing Hitman when I was 11, and I'm not that much of a violent person.
I'd just teach them that killing in games is innocent fun, it's not real.
Depends entirely on what it was that they're watching.
Porno- No
Violent movies and games- Depends on age and maturity
Let me tell you why you are a silly goose TC. A silly, silly goose.
Firstly it is more than likely you are underage or in your early adulthood. Either way, you don't have children. You don't understand why parents feel the way they do, until you have kids of your own. Secondly, you are the kind of guy that is like 'i'm gonna be that hip, cool dad and place minimal restrictions on what my son watches lolol!!' thinking this will make your child love you. Not only this, but you assume this media will only have violence and not any other content where it might be questionable to show to children (gratuitious swearing, nudity, sex scenes, drugs, etcetera).
Now, lets move on. You come off as the type of gamer who has a victim complex all because of what people like Jack Thompson say. 'I turned out all right so you can shove it Jack lololol!!' not only that, but it seems you partly want to use yourchild just to prove these people wrong, because as i said, you have this gamer's victim complex going on. furthermore, it seems you don't even care what interests yourchild might have, you just want him/her to have your interests. That part you mentioned about raising him to love video games? Why not let him decide what he's interested him instead of raising him to be an ultra 1337 gamer (which is what you want)? Furthermore, if you think showing yourchild'all the great video games i played as a kid' makes you a good father, you've got several things coming at you at once.
To my next point, you seem to think there is only an extreme left and extreme right when it comes to violence. Like many people in this thread, what i would let my kid watch/play varies depending on the levels of violence and how old they are. You seem to think everything is ok at any age, and like i said already this 'violent media' is more than likely going to have something else in it that is questionable. Finally, you seem like the kind of guy (and this is the fault of most parents) who is holding unrealistic and whacky expectations of how their kid will turn out, what they will enjoy, etcetera. You don't know thathe/she will enjoy video games as much as you do, just because you are his dad. There are probably other hopes you have for your children as well, all which will leave you disappointed when or if they don't achieve it.
Good day.
It really depends on the movie or game, I would let a kid watch many zombie or sci fi action movies like Zombieland or Starship Troopers, or play games like Halo and Killzone but i would not want them watching some sicko, violent criminal or thug movie with anti-social behavior, degradation of women, rape or drug use. So you still have to be a parent, but there are many so called violent films and games that are perfectly suitable for kids.
It completely depends on the child and the media in question. I'm not going to let my 12 year old watch something like Martyrs or Irreversible, but I'd have much less of an issue with something like, say, Halloween. As far as games go, I'd be more inclined to keep my kid away from things that portray being a criminal as a glamorous/exciting lifestyle than strictly judging on violent content.
It's all a moot point anyway, as I don't plan to have children. But that's what I'd do.
I dont say that I will put minimal restrictions on my kids, because I know that if you dont put restrictions on a kid and you let him/her do whatever he/she wants then they will turn into complete disgraces, but im just saying that I Wouldnt be restrictive with gaming and movies...also I dont really give a damn if my child swears...I Swear a lot, I think it would be hypocrite from me to tell them not to swear even if I do I really wouldnt have a problem with swearing. and im not saying something like "the kid gets up, I grab him by the hand and put him in front of a tv and tell them "watch violent movies until 8 pm or you are grounded!"" im just saying I wouldnt have a problem with them watching violent movies or R rated movies, ofc I wouldnt let them watch porn or encourage them to do so and I would obviously explain that is just a movie and that it isnt real. and yes, Im the kind of person who likes to proove others wrong, but its not the only or even the main reason why I would let my children play violent stuff... and its not like I will say "game or die!" if my children dont like videogames, ok, fine by me, what im saying is that for example if my child comes and ask me if I can buy him resident evil 87 I will buy it (if he deserves the game ofc) and I just see it as a fun activity you know? like If I see the kid likes videogames I would say "do you want to see the stuff I played on my days?" and if he agrees then it would be family fun day of playing dead space and other visceral action. like I said, if my children dont want to like games, ok, but if they do like them, they will have my full support if they want to play a violent game...Let me tell you why you are a silly goose TC. A silly, silly goose.
Firstly it is more than likely you are underage or in your early adulthood. Either way, you don't have children. You don't understand why parents feel the way they do, until you have kids of your own. Secondly, you are the kind of guy that is like 'i'm gonna be that hip, cool dad and place minimal restrictions on what my son watches lolol!!' thinking this will make your child love you. Not only this, but you assume this media will only have violence and not any other content where it might be questionable to show to children (gratuitious swearing, nudity, sex scenes, drugs, etcetera).
Now, lets move on. You come off as the type of gamer who has a victim complex all because of what people like Jack Thompson say. 'I turned out all right so you can shove it Jack lololol!!' not only that, but it seems you partly want to use yourchild just to prove these people wrong, because as i said, you have this gamer's victim complex going on. furthermore, it seems you don't even care what interests yourchild might have, you just want him/her to have your interests. That part you mentioned about raising him to love video games? Why not let him decide what he's interested him instead of raising him to be an ultra 1337 gamer (which is what you want)? Furthermore, if you think showing yourchild'all the great video games i played as a kid' makes you a good father, you've got several things coming at you at once.
To my next point, you seem to think there is only an extreme left and extreme right when it comes to violence. Like many people in this thread, what i would let my kid watch/play varies depending on the levels of violence and how old they are. You seem to think everything is ok at any age, and like i said already this 'violent media' is more than likely going to have something else in it that is questionable. Finally, you seem like the kind of guy (and this is the fault of most parents) who is holding unrealistic and whacky expectations of how their kid will turn out, what they will enjoy, etcetera. You don't know thathe/she will enjoy video games as much as you do, just because you are his dad. There are probably other hopes you have for your children as well, all which will leave you disappointed when or if they don't achieve it.
Good day.
I plan on giving him/her a copy of Mortal Kombat when they turn 5.LonelynightI actually think the same sometimes, but I never liked MK so it would probably be metal gear or dino crisis or one of the old resident evil
If I end up murdering someone when i'm older (Im just 14 at the moment) I hope my parents and society would be mature enough to think of another reason other than playing fictional video games consisting of blasting zombies heads off.
If I end up murdering someone when i'm older (Im just 14 at the moment) I hope my parents and society would be mature enough to think of another reason other than playing fictional video games consisting of blasting zombies heads off.
Unless you're yelling, "Die zombie!" at the time.
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