[QUOTE="puremage1209"]So, today, me and a group if 5 friends stole this jerks lock, right? After about 10 minutes, we decided to give it back to him. We went and got it (it was hidden in the celing) and we gave it to him. He comes up, steals MY lock of all the ones to take, and runs as fast as he could with it in the opposite direction. Well, this ked that was with us stuck his foot out and he absolutely went FLYING. The lock with it. I cought it and locked my locker. I thought it was nothing, right?
Well, when im at home, the phone rings and I answered it, right? Well, its the principle of our school and he says that Alex stole my backpack.... Well, i was like, wtf? (and i had, indeed left my backpack at school)
So, i call one of my friends that the principle says was there and told him about it, and he said that Alex actually ripped the hinge off my locker (my locker is only hooked on one out of 3 hinges so it was increadibly easy.) and he stole my backpack... He said that he was standing right in front of it and that he could physicly open it, even thought the lock was still on it.
So I called back the principle and told him that, then i venture off to go find my cell phone that had been missing for a while, and i found it in the pocket of one of my school uniform pants. I see that there is a new voicemail, and i listen to it. Of course, its that idiot, Alex. The message was one of the dumbest mistakes that he would ever make in his life, and it said "now you dont have a backpack, jack***" and then it hangs up.
So, this kid has a compulsion with lying, and he will obviously try to lie, and i have the message saved. Lying will get him in even more trouble.
You know, mabye i sould tell you all what me has done in the past.
1: He beat a kid up and lied about that.
2: He sexually harrased a mentally challenged girl.
3: He checked a kid into a locker and broke his finger
4: He smacked a girls ***
5: He was making up lies that i was staring at a girls *** durring forbidden>roulettethedog
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