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I like to read your reviews and previews you guys do. But I just want to know why gamespot favors xbox more. I have nothing against xbox nor will I say it is inferior. But every game that is release for both systems you have a xbox360 page you never have a ps3 page for when a game is about to come out for the system. you do later but always have a xbox360 page first and you always link games that are listed in the ps3 section go the the xbox360 page. You also seem to out down the ps3 when you have a chance. I like things to be fair but gamespot seems to side with the xbox a little to much. So why is a game review site that has so much potential so bias? I am not trying to put you down or anything you have a great site when you do reviews that isn't so one sided. also to the mods this is a off topic forum so please don't delete this and if you do please tell me where to post it next time you delete it. but this being a off topic forum I say that I am in the right to post this question here.DrinkwithRandal
Off Top is actually a forum where you post everything BUT video games.
1. Dude, this is OT
2. PS3 ftw *runs away*
Oh yeah!! Well Xbox has a better online community!! Hah!
Actually for the last year or so everyone has been leaning favorably towards all things PS3 in being overly gushy about any decent title that is released for it. This is due to Sony being so down in the dumps for a while and people's natural tendency to help out the underdog. That being said this is the OT board where we don't talk about games. You need to pose this question in General Games or System Wars. Have fun!
1. Dude, this is OT
2. PS3 ftw *runs away*
Oh yeah!! Well Xbox has a better online community!! Hah!
PS3 has me. Take that![QUOTE="CrystalFox"][QUOTE="MrsSolidSnake"]
1. Dude, this is OT
2. PS3 ftw *runs away*
Oh yeah!! Well Xbox has a better online community!! Hah!
PC owns both, nah! Pffft... Sega Genesis was made by God himself. Fur realz.[QUOTE="CrystalFox"][QUOTE="MrsSolidSnake"]
1. Dude, this is OT
2. PS3 ftw *runs away*
Oh yeah!! Well Xbox has a better online community!! Hah!
PS3 has me. Take that!Take what? I don't see anything.
Actually for the last year or so everyone has been leaning favorably towards all things PS3 in being overly gushy about any decent title that is released for it. This is due to Sony being so down in the dumps for a while and people's natural tendency to help out the underdog. That being said this is the OT board where we don't talk about games. You need to pose this question in General Games or System Wars. Have fun!
Sorry, this isn't 2007 anymore. The PS3 has long since caught up and is now on par or better with the 360 in terms of games released.
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