Jesus have been in our face this entire time! Jesus are what helps us differentiate ourselves from each other and make connections in our brains as to what goes on around here. Most of you guys don't have Jesus and it bugs me (others here as well, I'm sure) and gets me all sorts of confused. I can't tell who you guys are by what you say alone. Seriously, show your love. Get some Jesus in your life!
I remember back when EVERYONE was finding cool Jesus like a decade ago, but you lazy users refuse to understand that when our over Lord died, you were supposed to assist in resurrecting the lost Jesus. Yes... YOU! Only you have the power to search for and find Jesus in this life here. This place makes it easy to place Jesus into that large empty hole in your face, yet you pretend it's hard or you just wanna be cool and not have Jesus. I know people here who have accepted Jesus and if others would follow, it would help make this a better place.
If you are content with not having avatars then all you are doing is contributing to the disintegration of OT.
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