Yo Mama is so old she lifted her breast and a pilgram fell out
Yo mama is so fat, she orbits around the sun.Yo mama is so fat, she doesn't know what her bush looks like.
yo mama's so fat because she doesn't exercisepsychosurfer10i dont know why, but this one made me lol.
Yo mama is so fat she sat on a quarter and squeezed a booger out of George Washington's nose. - I can't remember what that is from, but it is my favorite.
Yo mama is so fat, she orbits around the sun.Yo mama is so fat, she doesn't know what her bush looks like.dhruv989 Yo mama is so fat, the sun orbits around her.
Yo mama so old her birth certificate expired... Yo mama so old she owes jesus moneyYo mama so old she served food at da last supperYo mama so old she farts dust
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