Let me start my saying i hate foreign language movies, absoutely despise them.
The other day my mum said she wanted to see this movie ( we are indian) so she dragged me along. I was so sure this was goona be a 3 hour long flim full of junk which i wont understand ( there were subs). 30 min into the movie i was thinking "how on earth could such an amazing movie possibly go on for 3 hours!"
This is auctally my favourite movie of all time. Im not normally a fan of comedy movies but Ive never laughed so hard in a flim. This is also a movie with much to learn from i came out feeling a little bit smarter ( compared to alvin and the chipmunks where i felt stupider).
I urge everyone go watch this movie, dont be discourgaged that it isnt it english and you will not regret it. Cause THIS IS MY FAV MOVIE. Avatar was great but not as great as this.
That sounds okay, i guess, But my favorite movie is The Fly. SOOOO many ****c scenes.
1) The scene where Brundle just spent hours having sex with his girlfriend, and then runs out because she can't handle the flesh.
2) The scene where Brundle kicks his girlfriend out forever after she saved a hooker from going through the telepods. Just that scene where she sort of lingers outside of his door for a moment and then walks away in tears...****c.
3) Brundle losing his voice, and then his teeth falling out. The expression on his face was just AWESOME.
4) One of the best scenes in the movie. The "insect politics" scene. Where horribly deformed Brundle, with love and fear in his eyes, tells his girlfriend to leave and never come back. Because the man that he used to be is but a dream, the Fly has taken over, and that he'll hurt her if she stays. This scene is AWESOME. This followed up with Veronica's desperate pleas to her ex-boyfriend to get the monster out of her body makes the whole thing just AMAZING.
5) Fully transformed Brundlefly-Telepod hybrid emerging as a pitiable and pathetic weak shell of a man. The scene where this grotesque and dying monstrosity crawls towards his girlfriend, grabs the barrel end of the shotgun she's holding, and aims it straight at his own head. Even though Brundle literally just tried to kill her, she backs away, tears flowing down her face, saying, "no, I can't!"
6) She blows his ****ing head off, and the end credits start rolling with a fade-out from her in utter agony after having just blown her boyfriend's head off with a shotgun.
This is SUCH an awsome movie. Disgusting as hell, and extremely powerful on such an emotional level. This is seriously the greatest "horror" movie I've ever seen in my life, even if the premise is ridiculous and the gore effects don't quite hold up to modern standards. This was a powerful and devastating love story, with implications for anyone who might ever watch it. And the end result was just an INCREDIBLE movie.
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