So, this is a threat about 9/11 stories.
Just thought of it after I saw someone telling there story on the news, so here's mine.
On Tuesday, September 11 2001, It was a normal school day. And work day for some people. I was in the fourth grade and 9 years old at the time. People say, "you don't remember anything you're to young!" But yet, I do remember it. Too well.
I woke up at normal time, 7:45 AM. (EST) I live in Delaware. I came downstairs, and before I made it all the way downstairs my mom told me to get my brother up. So I did. I came downstairs, and my mom was watching Good Morning America, just like every morning. I asked my mom to make me oatmeal. Like I would have EVERY SINGLE MORNING!!! I loved that stuff, i never eat it anymore though.
So, when I sat down I changed the channel to 54 ( Cartoon Network ) and watched Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Which was my favorite show! When I was done I was talking to my mom and she made sure that I had all my homework done from the night before. So It was about 8:15 and we headed outside to wait for the bus.
Our bus came at 8:25 just like every single day. But it was a beautiful day outside and that's why we went outside early that day, so my mom could chat with her friend and I could talk with mine before we got onto the bus. The bus came and I got on. Sat in my normal seat and headed to school. My mom went back inside, and went to sleep. (She works nights, and get's home around 1:00 AM)
We arrived at school around 8:40am and headed inside to our lockers. I went to my locker, got my books and hung my windbreaker up. I went inside my Homeroom class & waited for class to start at 9:05am. Shortly before 9:00am the office lady came over the announcements and said "Teachers please check your e-mail. Thank You." So, that didn't bother me, i barely listened. I mean it was normal.
At 9:05am class started. We began reading our SSR time. (Sustained Silent Reading), Until 9:30am. But that time was cut short. One of the office lady's came onto the announcement again, the same office lady, and said "Teachers & Staff, there is an emergency in New York City. Please sign online if you haven't already. America is under attack." We all sat around and kept reading, but that had me worried. Shortly later around 9:15am, the buses arrived and we were sent home early. Along with probably every school in the State of Delaware.
We got onto the bus, and sat down. I was excited because we were getting out early! So, we were half way home and I asked the bus driver. "Why are we being sent home? Is it because were being attacked?" and he said, "Your parents will tell you when you get home". So I said "Ok?" I arrived home at about 9:40am or so. I walked inside and my mom said "Thank God you two are home and safe". And I said what's going on? She said that two planes had crashed into buildings in New York City. So, I said those people on the planes must have died, and she said Yes.
A couple minutes later when I was pouring my drink and about to sit down and watch cartoons in the other room, the tv said we have word that a plane has struck the Pentagon in washington. My mom screamed and said Oh my god, what's next! She struggled to get my dad on the phone but the phone lines weren't working. Probably overflow. So, I went into the other room and it was about 10am and my mom starting screaming and crying saying Oh No, Oh god all of those people. And I walked in and I saw a huge dust cloud on the tv. my mom said that a building has collapsed. She then started crying and frantically trying to call my dad.
Around 10:30am the same thing happened except with the north tower. She started crying, once again. This time on the phone with my dad, she said she couldn't believe it. Shortly then after my mom got chalk from the garage and started drawing an American Flag on our driveway. As a symbol of our freedom and what happened that day. Around 10:30am i was inside and my mom was drawing and I heard on the tv that another plane has crashed in PA. I went out and told my mom, she said Oh God, did it crash into a building? And I said I don't know? and she ran inside and they said that it didn't it crashed in a rural field near Pittsburgh.
That does was one of the most clearest days that I can ever remember.
May everybody that died, rest in peace.
So, everybody else share there stories !!!!
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