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I never revised for any of my A-levels.
oh no wait, I haven't done them yet...the statement still stands though. The other thing I regret is being so damn lazy and unmotivated
not asking a girl out in high school.. shes now my friend (2 years).. were close though -_- though i want to get closer...
down under!!@#@#!@ ;)
I try to live without regrets and tell myself ill feel worse for not doing something than actually doing it..
One of my biggest regrets used to be about a girl(of course). I'm not very religious but this situation really felt like god was throwing opportunities at my face. There used to be a girl I liked and i used to be SUPER shy, every single day after school i would try to work up the cojones to go up to her and her friends and talk to her but never would, and I'd
always tell myself "tomorrow for sure." Well basically on the last day of school me and my friends were going to catch a bus to town to watch a movie and once again, i didn't go talk to her... We got on the bus and i said to myself "Man if she were to get on this bus RIGHT NOW, I would take it as a sign of fate and go for it"... so of course, she gets on, apparently going the same direction as I am, and I'm like "oh god, what are the chances..." so the entire bus ride im freaking out, trying to psyche myself up to go talk to her(she was with friends but the seat right next to her was empty) but... I let her go, OT :(... All night, i kicked myself in the butt for not having the balls to talk to her, and i felt like hell... So at the end of the night, after food and movies and whatnot, my friends and I get on a bus going home-bound, and guess who got on after a few stops? Yup, it was that girl. What are the chances that she would get off on the same bus as us, and get on the same bus as us at the same time late at night? If God had a printing company, these signs would be the largest he's legally allowed to make.... But long story short... i never talked to her.. I just watched her from the back of the bus talking to my friends, always trying to build up courage but never having enough to do so, and this night ate away at me for AGES...
HOWEVER!!.. I did redeem myself... at the end of the next year (yup, a whole 'nother year of me not talking to her!) I decided enough was enough and asked her out in front of a bus stop(In front of a bus stop WITH people, might I add ;) )... but she said no... HOWEVER i still felt pretty awesome walking away for finally having the balls to actually do something, and to free myself from he curse of self-hate finally. It's still hard to believe that my old self did that, seeing as how socially inept he was (Im okay now :D) Also... after talking to her for a while, she was kind of a B... and i was glad i got to know her, because after a while I wasn't interested.
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