While JC may be nothing more than a PRC stooge who can't keep his mouth shut and running out of steam nowadays, he still has made a considerable contribution to the action and comedy genre in sh*t for the masses (aka movies) with both his original Hong Kong efforts and made in Hollywood stuff. What are you favorites? As for me:
5. Project A
4. Police Story 2
3. Crime Story - I always found it to be ironic that one of his best works contained almost none of his trademarks: There's no humor, not even one smile from JC, an emphasis on gunfights over CQC, and little in the way of stunts. And yet somehow, it still works and it's the finest of his departure roles.
2. Drunken Master (original) - The very sight of young Jackie flipping the bird never gets old
1. Police Story
Honorable mentions to City Hunter for this one scene alone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4Psls1ngwM
Plus New Police Story and Little Big Soldier for being his only real relevent work since 2004.
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