Got a stiffy in gym once. Some women were giggling and a guy gave me the wtf look, but I couldn't help it... one of those random ones just happened =/
That used to happen to me back in Elementary school when I was wearing Zubaz or sweatpants. It never failed that I would get called to the blackboard to write something. At that age everyone was confused so I don't think anyone noticed...
Most embarrassing is probably my first few attempts at talking to girls. I sent a girl a note asking her out because I was too much of a wuss to actually ask her (the whole always surrounded by her friends thing). I was trying to tell her that she looked great and wasn't an anorexic bimbo like the rest of our class. I ended up writing "I'm glad you're not really thin" into the note. She cried, and the note circulated around my entire school.
Wow that's hilarious and sucks at the same time. Did anyone give you any flak for that?
Oh yeah... every day for at least a month and then still occasionally after that. One of her best friends had a locker right next to mine so she would say things like "You know, I think Briana is reconsidering, you should ask her out again" while the girls next to her snickered. Guys would slap me on the back thanking me for the best laugh of the year. We all went to High School though the next year so it was forgotten then. It sucked though for several months, especially since she sat right in front of me in one of my classes.
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