Poll Your personality type (51 votes)
This topic has most likely been done about a thousand times before, but who cares. It's still fun because this test often reveals something about yourself you would not notice otherwise. Also, your personality can change as mine has.
Here’s the test.
I am an INTJ, which is shockingly accurate. I daydream at a constant, unending basis, but everywhere I go I see problems with society that I yearn to change. I see wasted potential everwhere. Everything can be made better. This is true in video games as well. Back in my Modern Warfare 2 days, for instance I would spend hours making classes for multiplayer. I analyzed every choice of equipment, probably too much, but it’s fun for me to do it. I make lists to pass the time.
Also, I’ve spent more time fantasizing about relationships with a girl than I do actually trying to find a girlfriend, but I’d rather be brutally tortured than go on a date.
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