[QUOTE="ad1x2"]If I had a choice I would prefer Europe. Some of the things the Japanese did to POWs was brutal. My wife is Filipino and some of her family members still have problems with the Japanese to this day because of the things they did during their occupation of the Philippines.I don't really give a damn about what people think, i'm no soldier and shouldn't be forced to fight in that war if I didnt wanted to. Contrary to popular belief, just because you are drafted doesn't mean you are going. You still have to be screened for eligibility and are given the opportunity to apply for conscientious objector status if you have moral objections to war. That is the purpose of the draft, to fill shortfalls in manpower. If Congress decides the Army needs five million Soldiers and they only have three million the draft will screen men until they get that extra two million. They aren't going to grab every single man they find and hand them a rifle.
Also, the people who are saying they would just dodge the draft don't seem to realize that those were different times. After Pearl Harbor was attacked, the shame you would have coming your way for running away wasn't worth it to most of the people who were scared and a medic who was against fighting earned the Medal of Honor despite not carrying a weapon.
It isn't like Vietnam where a lot of people were anti-war and you would get more respect going to jail for refusing induction than you would if you actually fought.lightleggy
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