Ok, so I went to the local computer market today and unfortnately they won't be getting 4770s for months probably (only one shop had an X3 720 after all this time and that was a recent thing), so I'm left with a choice between a 4850 and a 4870. The former costs $135 while the latter is $219 (note: while I might be able to haggle a few bucks off, that's basically the price around these parts- I checked Newegg.com.cn and it's pretty much the same). Both would be the 1GB versions.
I'm sort of looking long term at this- I figure that eventually, once newer games and newer generations of GPUs hit, I could buy (by then) a used 47x0 and just do Crossfire to grind out another year or so on the card. So in that sense, while the 4870 currently doesn't outperform the price difference in terms of performance (50% price increase for 25ish% increase in fps), it might be a more frugal move in the long run.
Whatever GPU I choose, it would be paired with this.
AMD X3 720 BE (this will be purchased at the same time)
2GB DDR2 (an easy upgrade, if necessary)
Windows XP 32-bit
22" 1680x1050 monitor
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