[QUOTE="blaznwiipspman1"][QUOTE="V4LENT1NE"] Whats this the 6th time you have recommended this and lied about its capabilitys? Everytime people call you out on the reviews you dissapear, you say its faster than the 570 GTX when it actually still trades blows with it either way. You are also comparing a heavily overclocked and BIOS flashed card to a REFERENCE GTX 570, absolutely rediculous are your claims, not to mention that in the MLAA vs PhysX thread you spewed more garbage and came acrosss like an ATI Fanboy. Its fine to recommend a card but dont spew utter crap every chance you get and be so bias.
hmm someones time of the month today bahaha. im recommending the card on its own merits, it beats the 570 gtx (YES I KNOW ITS AT STOCK SPEED, so whats your point) right out of the box in NEUTRAL GAMES, games that don't have a nvidia sticker on teh box or an AMD sticker on the box. It compares hardware to hardware, not a specific bit of coding that favors one card heavily over the other. In those games the 6950 TOXIC beats a 570 gtx out of the box. YES for the last time i know the 6950 is factory overclocked, but don't act like that is the final limit of its OC capability. It can overclock further another 120 mhz on the core as seen from reviews. Maybe you don't want to admit the truth but ive provided facts and evidence that the 6950 toxic beats a 570 in neutral games, without coding favoring nvidia, however you are a hardcore nvidia fanboy in denial and don't want to accept the truth. Move on with your life already.
The point is you keep comparing a very heavy overclocked and BIOS flashed card and jumping in joy because it can keep up with the GTX570, who cares, its overclocked and flashed what did you expect to happen? Of course its going to catch up to the 570, they are in the similar price region and trade blows with each other in games yet you say it "beats it", it doesnt beat it ata all, it trades blows each way...And yes its easy to start with the insults when your losing, saying its my time of the month etc, thats really mature...As for the fanboy stuff, you wanna talk fanboyism? How about the thread a little while ago about the person having Nvidia Driver troubles, didnt you just pop into the thread to say the following "good them Nvidia drivers..."(along those lines) just to start a fight? I believe you did just that. The encoding thing is just a horrible argument, games get sponsored by the 2 companys all the time, I dont see you complaining about the games that are sponsored by AMD...All of the statements you are making can be debunked very easy, thats the beauty of the garbage your posting, you just make it so easy...how is it a horrible argument? make a list of all AMD sponsored titles...i can't even think of 1. Now how many nvidia sponsored titles are there? Maybe 50 out there. All im saying that nvidia sponsored titles heavily skew results, which is TRUE, if only neutral games were reviewed, results would be much more accurate.
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