None of the 7300 cards are worth more than $30 USD. The GT is the best of a rather poor lot (and best by a large jump over next best, the 7300 GS), with the LE as the absolute, horrendous worst of them, value of about $10 USD, it's so very bad.
They are for the very simplest of business charts, graphs, presentations, and spreadsheets -- the 7300 GT is OK for some of the older games, three years old, for instance, and of course an MMO -- all that I know of those, at least, are very simplistic and any video anything less than about five years old is enough for them.
Game video starts from the "600" performance level, which is in every recent card's name, except the HD 3850 / 3870. The last three digits tells the performance, and a "300" is very weak. Even a "600" is only for beginners and/ or part time game players; when you play a lot of games, you want an "800".
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