Hi all, ive wanted this game for ever, nows my chance, but, my graphics card is a bit old, can i run it? i did system requirements lab, and i passed everything, except T&L thing, am i alright? (i did that on cod uo, wich i have and play, and it said i dont have T&L) so can i play it? INtel R Celeron R CPU 2.40GHz 2.39GHz 512 mb ram Intel R 82865G Graphics Controller thanks, help wanted!
An Intel integrated graphics controller isn't even a proper graphics card - it is just a chipset built onto cheap budget motherboards. They are not designed for gaming at all, and run into all sorts of problems as they lack basic features that are present in dedicated graphics cards. If you have an AGP or PCI slot capable of taking a dedicated graphics card on your motherboard, then even a cheap $40 card would give you so much more choice in the games your PC would be able to play.
ok, thanks for the responds, im 15, so i have no choice in updating this computer, has anyone ever played this game with this chip? heres a post on the RO website, about that card, but it seems a bit confusing. http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/showthread.php?t=14951&highlight=82865g
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