Just picked up two of the XFX alpha dog 512mb 8800gt after work to replace my ATI 512mb 1900xt. 635.89cnd including tax
Hot diggidy dog(pun intended). I am amazed at how good this card is!
On a 6300@2.94ghz, 2gig corsair ram 4-4-4-12, gigabyte 965-ds3, 150gig raptor, audigy2 plat., enermax 535w PS, 1680x1050 resolution.
1900xt= all sliders max except a half slider on grass and shadows, no sun or grass shadows, full dynamic lighting, vsync on and that made it playable while maybe dipping into the mid 20's near many burning barrels.
8800gt= all maxed. Never dropped below 37fps so far and average around 46. Crystal clear and lag free.
ArmA- not sure how show fps readout.
1900xt at 1.2km, most at normal or low settings with one or two on high to get lag free game play through out the map area.
8800gt at 1.2km, all maxed except post processing tab is at normal. lag free so far everywhere I have played in single player only. Might need to up the view distance and see how far it can go.
Enemy Territory- not sure how to show fps readout.
1900xt= all sliders at half shadows off, the rest at high or normal with one or two at low. Game ran fine after the initial load which was a slide show for 30-40 seconds then ran fine. Some odd lag spots. Not got the game and not sure what settings needed tweaking.
8800gt=max sliders except 8xaf. the rest all set to high or highest. Think effects are turned down. A dream so far with no visiable lag and looks excellent.
Hellgate London-FPS ?
1900xt- medium to high settings with shadows off, all tick boxes empty except vsync and AF. playable in 90% of the game at them settings.
8800gt= All maxed except shadows to low since there seems to be a issue with the shadows being all messed up for me, but did the same thing on the 1900xt but not as bad.
three more game I could not max out before to try out. Going to be a long night.
Over all I am glad I got my hands on them.
No SLI for me the other was a gift to my father who was using my old 256mb 800xt for WoW. Now he says the game run way better and hit 22fps at the lowest in some new city where he used to get 5fps.
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