Hey all,
First of all, I want to buy a graphics card. I'm a little confused, since there are so many cards out there. I'm thinking of an Nvidia one, but ATI is fine to. I'd like to keep the cost to around $130. Could someone explain what the differences are between the Nvidia 8 & 9 series is, and what all of the letters in the names mean (like GT, GTS, GTX, etc..)? I was looking around on newegg.com, they seem to have really good prices. Here is one that I found that seems to have a lot of grunt for the price. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121251 Also, does it really matter what brand it is? Like PNY or ASUS, etc. I mean, it's still an Nvidia or ATI chip. Any other suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
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