The chart shows it within 5% without even noting the speeds/brand and then goes on to say on the same website that the gtx 560 barely edges it out overall. From everything ive seen the gtx 560 edges it out on overclocking (many get close to if not over the speeds of a gtx 570). If your overclocking get the gtx 560 but if not then the 6870 isn't even the most logical choice for an ATI card (7 series is on the horizon and the 6950 can be found under $190 with rebates)
link to prove the 560 non ti edges out a 570? Also link to a 560 beating out a 6870 after overclock
Theres my link. Like weve both been getting at stock for stock both cards are very similar. And even after overclocking the 560 barely touches the 560ti, something the 6870 is also able to do after an overclock. No 570 gtx in sight.,2944-17.html
With that said the 6870 is still $20 cheaper than the 560 gtx, but the 560 gtx is within $10 of the 6950. So if I were to get a $160 card it would be the 6870, and if I were to get a $190 card it would be the 6950 1gb. Again like you say the 7xxx radeon series will probably make both of these cards irrelevant.
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