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WoW will continue to be WoW. What ever they promised you, it isnt going to happen. WoTLK might bring the "Death Knight" new classes and all that but will continue to be a grind. If you're okay with that, then by all means stay with WoW. If you're looking for fun, try AoC or WAR, or just stay away from MMORPGs. I had a rank 14 Grand Marshal on WoW, did Naxx, and all that. I didnt like what BC brought to WoW so I quit. It's the best thing I ever did.
Don't get into AoC I've heard it doesn't have much content at all. Wotlk I've heard is pretty fun from beta testers but if you don't like the grind then play another genre because MMOs are about spending lots of time. Personally I have fun questing and leveling but thats just me.crazymaghie123
Agreed. AoC is lacking content, and is horribly unbalanced for a PvP-centric game. If you really don't want more of the same WoW, get WAR. And I agree, most MMO's have a grind of some sort. "Casual MMO" is really a term that doesn't exist.
My biggest complaint with the grinding in WoW is just that I went through it once with one character, and got him to 70. I experienced the endgame for what it was (the BC endgame mind you), and when I go back to make an alt, it's too tedious to have to go through the same thing I did with my main. Same quests, same areas. If they had more depth in the story, or at least make the leveling a little easier to get an alt up to speed with a main, I would give it a second chance. But all the time that I spent getting my main to what it was, is not exactly the amount of time I want to spend on an alt. It increases replay value for sure, but it does make it quite boring after awhile.
I don't mean to offend WoW players, but I liked WoW for what it was, and now that I'm bored, I wonder if Wrath will make it THAT much better (not another BC), or whether I should find another MMO, or better yet, just quit on MMOs all together. I thank you all for the responses, I think I've already made up my mind though. Thanks.
If you don't find it fun anymore, don't play it. I seriously doubt that an expansion will revolutionise WoW's gameplay - they've found a formula, and will cling to it. You'll get more content, so if that tickes your fancy, great. But you'll be doing the same things, albeit in new places with some new faces.
In my opinion, you should do yourself a favour and get out of MMOs now. Like, NOW. ;P
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