@Gelugon_baat: That makes two of us, doesn't it? except I did it once and you're still doing it to this very day. Whatever I did back a few years ago is not me nowadays. I admit that was poor judgement on my part and I should never have posted that crap to begin with. Oh well... you live and learn, which is much more than I can say about you.
Don't worry, I wasn't posting that to make you look bad. I think you already did a good enough job without my help. Besides, If I wanted to humiliate you in public, I would have probably posted something else I know about you, which is something you're not particularly proud of.
"How you make convenient attacks on the "integrity" of journalists when they tell you things that you don't want to hear?"
I should have never replied to your post but you got me curious: Please do tell what is it that I don't wanna hear? because I honestly have no idea.
"How you slammed some reviewers for glossing over technical issues in Gone Home when you can give Fallout: New Vegas or Temple of Elemental Evil the benefit of the doubt?"
Where exactly have I "slammed" the reviewers? I never actually attacked them in person. It's okay to disagree with a review, or am I crossing the line here as well? after all, a review is just an opinion you can argue with, but you bring up a fair point so let me explain: Gone Home has absolutely nothing in the way of gameplay other than interactions with the physics engine. It's a tiny game with not much of any contents in it, so the game's technical shortcomings become a glaring issue. ToEE and F:NV are colossal games that, despite some technical issues, were for the most part playable and enjoyable. That's pretty much it. It didn't sit right with me that a very short game with next to no gameplay (and yet somehow had performance issues that no one mentioned) got 9s and 10s across the board, while F:NV - A game that probably took a lot more work to make - got middling to positive review scores. Although if you ever did pay any attention to what I said at the time, you would know that I also slammed F:NV for being unplayable until they patched the bloody thing.
I don't know what you mean by "people like me" and I'm not sure I wanna know, either. People change sometimes, Gelugon, but it seems like you did not. I'm very disappointed that you're still lurking the forums on this website, terrorizing any poor sod that you happen to disagree with, even after all these years. Not everyone shares the same world views as you do, and not everyone has to. Antagonizing any person you come across is only going to produce the exact opposite effect of what you were trying to achieve.
You know, I get the distinct feeling I'm teaching you something that should be obvious to anyone who has ever interacted with other human beings.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who told you about this, but you seem to have an unhealthy obsession over certain things which borders on insanity, and a particularly unfriendly demeanor to boot. This is probably why you never got the moderator position you always wanted. No one likes a smart ass, even if his intentions might be good. I think you already know where this is going - you are your worst enemy. I also know that you hate yourself for missing out on an opportunity to be a moderator (or possibly even a gamespot staff member) and now you are so filled with rage, you take it out on other people in some vein attempt to justify your reason for being here. Is that why you hate Taxonomic so much? because he is successful and you are not? I suggest seeking other ways of fulfilling your desires. Projecting as hard as you do is only going to get you sectioned in a hurry.
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