I am a PC gaming enthusiast, but I have no idea about anything to do with computers - usually my dad or his work colleagues help me out when the computer goes weird. So my problem is for my birthday a year ago, my dad got me a pretty high-spec desktop PC that was custom made - it was great, and played all my games, and then just started to overheat - we did everything, installing fans, going through the whole system to make sure nothing was wrong, even keeping tabs on the temperature constantly - yet something was obviously wrong with it. We had to give it back.
In compensation we got to buy another computer. This one we custom built again (I have no idea what that even really means), so it even had water inside to keep everything cool. Everything went great, until it, for some reason I can't even remember, screwed up. We gave it back.
I have many PC games and have only been able to play on the family laptop, which can barely support games like Left4Dead... so I was wondering, how could you purchase a desktop PC that was not custom built, so there would be no possible problems in its building, but that could play all the latest games (Crysis, I'm looking at you) without problem. Even better - is there any generic laptop on the market that can easily play these kinds of games? If so, how do I find them?
By the way - I live in the United Kingdom.
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