Did anybody else feel that Battlefield 2 was much overrated? I personally did. There are a host of problems with the game that take me out of the experience.
- Lag. I know this may just be on my end, but I found that lag was a big issue when playing the larger 64 player games. Usually it wasn't horrible, but it was there constantly. Some people would jump all over the place or vehicles would just skip from place to place. I know to stay in low ping games, but finding them sometimes could be difficult.
- The game browser was slow and clunky. This is frustrating when trying to find a good game to play. Clicking on a server made your computer fetch the details of that server. That would take a second or two. During that second or two you couldn't do anything. Usually it isn't a problem, but after awhile it seems to get annoying.
- The hitboxes are absolutely horrible. They seem to lag constantly behind the player. Moving targets would often seem to be impossible to hit on occasions
- The guns were way to weak and extremely inaccurate. I cant count the number of times I have been prone, put my crosshair on an enemy, and slowly fired shot after shot, relineing the shot each time and still not hit anything but air. Often I would aim at proned targets and hit them only once out of an entire clip.
- Grenades are way overpowered. Seriously, in infantry only matches the amount of grenades spammed is insane. Also they have way to much damage and way to large of an AOE to be balanced.
- The medals and awards are competely skewed towards solo play. In a game so focused on teamwork, its suprising to see the medals and awards being so geared towards solo play. They really make it so players want to stat pad rather than play as a team.
- The air units are completely overpowered. A decent player can completely keep one side suppressed with a single aircraft. The abiltiy to fly over the initial takeoff point and reload weapon and health then fly back into battle make them an unstoppable force. Not to mention the lack of good infantry controlled anti-air.
- Horrible infantry animations. When a player jumps and goes prone, their animation suggests that their gun is pointed in the air and tey don't have control. This is infact a lie. What happens instead, they keep fireing straight at you and you end up getting a load of bullets in the face.
- The horrible community. This isn't a knock on the game persay, just more of a note on how elitest the community has gotten. Its not fun anymore because the people who play just hate every newer player and every casual player.
Some of these problems I have with the game may be just that I dont play enough. My accuracy may suck and I may have a bad connection, but as much as I actually run into these problems I can say its probably not just me.
I also have BF2142. For the most part, the air power had been fixed and the weapons are more accurate and powerful. Unfortunately the same engine was used so hitboxes seem to lag and vehicles also seem to lag a bit.
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