So as if Activision wasn't playing the Mussolini of the game publishers these days here's something that I just found.
For those of you who knew about King's Quest from Sierra back in the days a team of fans were working on King's Quest 9: The Silver Lining. Vivendi who enventually bought the King's Quest franchise as well as the entire Sierra product line shut down the project in 2005. Then a few months later after many hate mails submitted to Vivendi and a very good petition the game was OK'd to continue on KQ9. This game was coming out for free to close up the entire storyline since Sierra had never really tied up all the loose ends. This was to be a multi episodic adventure game that would probably have filled over 4-5 DVDs worth of animations, script, graphics, etc... It was huge. These people worked on it for 9 years. Just recently Activision who bought up Vivendi and everything it owned has now submitted a letter to this group working on KQ9 and has told them to dismantle their work, their forums and everything related to it.
Wow Activision you really know how to piss off fans of IPs you own don't you?
And it ain't over till the fat game publisher sings! for more info.
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