You really know WOW and mmorpgs stink when you get into raiding and end game content and you see most guilds raid 3 days a week and 4 hours per day. It is a freaking job ...
and that is why I have posted many a time asking Blizzard and other companies to go to automatic 2 week or better yet 3 week lockouts for raids. They would not reset til the end of that period of time and it would give raid leaders a chance to have players carry a lighter load in terms of a raid schedule but funny thing is the raid leaders would still probably expect people to show up 9 days of the 3 weeks ... WOW community and mmorpg communities need to realize how sick they are in order for this type of gaming to improve and be more fun
Ive played WoW for over 5 years and have had great fun through it all and have never had to do any of the above.
You WoW haters sure love to preach that the negative minority of the game represents the majority. I guess only the bad aspects are the most fun to argue about; no one wants to hear about the millions of people that log on for an hour or two and bullcrap, quest, and pvp with their friends then log off and get on with their lives. No sir, youre either a diehard WoW player, or youre not :P
WoW is a great game because it is casual friendly; its fun for 30 minutes or 4 hours. There is no need to raid in such rediculous time frames, and those that chose to either A.) enjoy it, or B.) have personality issues that they cant keep in check.
I doubt that is the case, you defend this game like it is releated to you.
naw lol, its not related to me :P I just get sick of people bashing it; its bandwagoning at its worst. I don't know a single person that suffers from WoW addiction, and I know a good amount of folks that play.
trust me...of all the MMOs out there, WoW is the easiest to play in moderation and small amounts.
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