I would acturally not advice bg2 nor bg1
they are complex, and often demands some insight in the d&d universe, granted the game explains itself well, but other games might be better suited. And the whole "controle a party" makes it more strat oriented, then about roleplaying a chr.
I would Reccoment Fallout 2 if you can live past a lazy start, or The Witcher, a more mature take of the fantasy genre. The reason I would reccoment those is that rpgs often gets to a phase where they feel mandetory and the story dies down to a crawl.
Fallout 2 did not get into this "grindingfeast" that most rps fall into, and it had some funny quests, and great jokes. It let you have more choice, and altho the main quest is a bit tame, it brought the player through some generally amazing towns and places. What more it let you be a real evil bastard, who popped both his opponants knee caps, just to see him try to hump away before you gave him a round to the back of the head, all just to make a point to the local inhabitents that you took no s**t from noone.
Id advise The Witcher because it is less cliche, then rpgs normally are. its a world of gray where there is no right and wrong, good or bad. And it is a story that is not the downtrodden "an evil mage threatens to take over the world because he can" kind of story which in my honest opinnion killed a bit of the bg2 experience for me, and the fact that you can not be evil in the bg games nor nwn games, I mean Comeon I am a chaotic Evil Necromancer, why should I give a damn about some other mage having fun? with the answer "it is personal for you, or you are the hero." The witcher supplies a chr for you tho, you do mold him, but you do not have a choice in who you are, but who you wish this chr to be. It may be easier to get into since the whole chr generation puts off quite a few friends of mine. And it is an interresting story where you never truely know who you could trust. It is very political, and draws alot of the problems you face in the real world into the game, which might help you make the world so much more belivable.
I can not say aboutthe kotor games, I never playied them, the universe never interrested me, but they should acturally be quite good, and if you are a sw fan, it might be the way to go.
I would stay clear of Oblivion, if it is an rpg you seek, for me rpgs has always been about a atory, and a breathing world, with options, and ability to do what you wanted, it is not a bad game, but there are no consequenses of your actions, and the story is, well... either not good, or not really there at all. It does sport a nice world, altho static. And is easy to get into.
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