I hear that, but the max level in this game to reach is like 50 so at least that'll add replay value to it somewhat. Just hope it doesn't take long to level up out o fhte newbish levels.
That was one of the things that killed my enjoyment of playing an online MUD game that I grew up with. Like any company, they strive to provide the best experience for everyone and to make their game better....
When it went from having to take a about a month to make it through the first 10-15 levels, to being able to do this process in 5-7 days, it just killed the enjoyment. There was so much roleplaying to be done at the younger levels, but no one wanted to do that anymore. Everyone wanted to work their way up to level 100 (max level) or at least to Lord status (level 20) as fast as they could. All the hunting grounds from around level 20 up to 100 are always saturated with people - which means that treasure, box found special items and such are scarce. Whereas you could wander through the younger level hunting grounds (level 15 and down) and hardly ever, ever run into another soul.
The game was made to mimic the newer MMO level systems - reward you fast and allow you to make your character powerful, faster. Instead of incouraging people to roleplay and enjoy the surroundings and to fully understand how things worked.
People today want faster, faster, faster! But then maybe it's just me that has an issue with this...?
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