What I think........
Aion will release with a couple hundred thousand sign-ups within the first few weeks people who chose their class escpecially melee dpses will be all hyped up and have thought out different attack moves and will feel invincible. After a painful grinding (its an asian mmo there is not escape out of this) they will eventually find themselves in a lagfest bugful pvp scene, well theyll suck it up and go in to fight. End result melees won't be able to do much but stay in the back line when they move into combat range dps will smack them down so eventually melees will quit and wait for game fix. Within the first month many people will have quit the game. Sadly this game will just resemble the other mmos that failed with a small playerbase group of people hoping for a change...
Many people don't realise what makes WoW so great, to be honest for anyone trying to make an exciting fun mmo i feel pity... this is way too hard. I mean let me put it this way. Many people like me, were fans on warcraft i played warcraft 1,2,3 and it would feel amazing especially the dotas and patches of maps, you even had dungeons in warcraft 3 that youd play wiht your friends. when wow was releaded man was it exciting par ed with the knowledge of the game it had an enchanting and epic feel when you played the game. When i first came to duskwood i was swamped with memories of playing it on warcarft 3 and many of the npcs had te same exact sounds as from warcarft 3 .. it was such an experince beyond words especially for the time it was realead 2004, and back then my comp was one of a kind so you can only imagine... i would dream of coming back home and finishing my work so i could spend hours on game and it was amazing beacuse i was comfortably numb....
not any mmo has ever given me this feel, while i quit wow when wotlk released since i felt the old energy in it was lost many didnt and all my friends are still palying it.... i mean its a whole different story when wow came out and many people are attracted ot this densely populated game. i mean com on no one likes playing alone and thats the problem in many of these games. no other game runs as smooth and unstresfuly ill say as WoW... its goign to be really really hard to find a game to take WoW to its knees aion won't even scrath it i don't think it will be even heard by much people and upon being picked up will be dropped down for repetitive graphics..
some change has to happen but quite frankly this is REALLY hard
Firstly, I couldn't put what WoW was any better then you did. WoW for me was like it was for you. Sure I wasn't so much into the games, but I had WC2 back in the day as well as WC3 (without the xpack for the most part), I was extremely young so for the most part I only cheated in WC2 and I found the storyline in WC3 epic.
But since WOTLK made everything so easy, it lost its epic-ness. Vanilla, everything was still huge and you were one single person in a whole Horde or Alliance that was battling against differing forces. TBC was a bit the same, early raiding was hard and fun, it took you on an epic story whether by hard raids or by the fact that it took long questlines to get into the raids. But TBC was still slowly on the path of easy, not so much resistance gear and legendaries were JUST drops instead of hours and hours of hard work with others helping you.
Anyway, secondly, I disagree with your Aion statement. Not that I am saying you're completely wrong, but to judge Aion like others is quite judgemently and quick. Not all games are the same, just because AOC and WAR failed doesn't mean any other game will fail.
1) People have already reported that Aion is completely and utterly smooth on beta servers, so they whole "lag will kill it" is COMPLETELY invaild... WoW suffered major lag issues at the start yet right now it had millions of subs, and Aion is showing ZERO signs of any issues like that.
2) Melee classes suffering, again, see above.
3) I don't know how the hell you come to HUGE conclusions, NCsoft is a huge company and has a vast experience in MMORPGs, lag issues will be far from the issues that affect Aion is there are any major issues that do affect it.
4) How does it resemble other MMORPGS? Because it is the next highly published MMORPG? Is that it? If people actually look into what differences it had with 'failed' WoW-killers (and no, I'm not saying it is a WoW-killer, TBH I prefer it wasn't because of fear of what happened to WoW when too many idiots signed up.
* It isn't Western, unlike AOC and WAR.
* It already has millions of subs
* It is very much polished already.
* Western MMORPGs are in a worse spot TBH with what WoW did to the market. WoW is already dead, it has no real charactistics of MMORPGs anymore (social network + peggle, anyone?)
* Even if you don't agree with the point above, then you should agree with the fact that Eastern MMORPGs have to compete with Western MMORPGs over there, just think of the millions of subs in China or even in Korea to a lesser extent. So choosing the old 'lol grindfest' route would be stupid for NCsoft.
* Eastern MMORPGS have their benefits too, they don't listen to the crying on Western forums like Blizzard gives in to spams if there is enough of them.
I'm not saying this game is the next big thing, I just think it is moronic to jump to such stupid conclusions about the game considering most points brought up by troll WoW-fanboys are proven wrong by pretty much all reports of the game.
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