To answer the OP's question:
Aliasing is an artifact caused when using raster rendering techniques in computer graphics. Basically when the computed image is scaled to fit to a certain resolution (a grid), it is unable to represent the image with a good amount of precision. Thus a straight line as a vector cannot be represented in an integer cartesian field. So it comes up jagged.
Alright now were getting somewhere, a previous poster said it's basically due to geometry and the fact that when a edge of a poly attempts to be in two different lines of the screen at once we get this artifact, this implies that if you through enough polygons at it it the problem would dissapear? Of course game engines is pushing other areas much harder then polygons nowadays, but hypothetically?
That is to say, your graphics card doesnt calculate 3d geometry at a certain resolution. It calculates the geometry then divides it into a discrete resolution. The higher the resolution, the more accurately it will represent the actual geometry. But it is just approximating, and we will never be able to draw a straight line on an TFT LCD screen. If there is ever going to be a technology that can do this, I doubt it will be during our lifetimes.
If you are familiar with these examples, think of it like vector art programs versus traditional programs (like paint or PS), or converting an analog signal to a digitial one.
Don't sell mankinds technical progress short, scientists right now are working very hard to stop the process of aging entirely as it has been well known for a while that aging is literally encoded into our DNA, in other words it's not something that has to happen and in some lesser species they have already managed to triple life spans and it is expected that in the next 20 to 60 years they will be able to stop it and eventually even reverse it.
Anti-aliasing renders the image at higher resolutions (supersampling), and then scales it down, averaging the frames for each pixel in the smaller resolution. So 4x AA supersampling renders your game at 4 times the resolution and then averages the pixels to get the color/brightness for each pixel.
Really is that what supersampling does? So what your telling me is say you run a game with a resolution of 2560 by 1600 which = 4.1 Mega Pixels and you apply 4x super sampling your telling me your then running the game at 5120 x 3200 which= 16.4 megapixels and then it's being downscaled to fit your screen?
Are you sure that's exactly whats happening in it's entirety because you see I find that hard to believe, as if you've seen some of the downscaled Crysis Images they hit a point where literally Aliasing doesn't exist and not only does running Super Sampling on my games not do that, but I'd say it doesn't even get close and my monitor sports the same 100 PPI that those 30 inchers are carrying so...
Then again you have to increase the megapixel count 4x just to get double the quality so that obviously wouldn't be enough to do it, but I don't buy that it's doing it as well as running the game at 5120 x 3200 would I mean hypothetically if I took an image of Crysis at 2560 by 1600 with 4x SS and I took one at 5120 x 3200 with no SS and downscaled that image to 2560 by 1600 would the quality really be the same?
Another question on SS, I'm not sure how it works on Nvidia cards, but the Catalyst Control Center on my computer under 3D I have an Anti Aliasing sub section and a Adaptive Anti Aliasing sub section
Under the AA one I have the option to force the AA to be from 4 to 16 times on the standard box filter, then theirs some other filter types and a Temporal AA check box, but their is no mention of SS in it.
In the Adaptive AA section I have the option to enable Adaptive AA and choose it's method which can be either Super-Sampling or Multi-Sampling, under super sampling I have two setting choices, either Performance or Quality.
So what I'm wondering is where the hell does 2x 4x or whatever times fit into this? Does my Super-Sampling Subsection coincide with my AA subsections setting meaning if in the AA subsection I have 16x AA selected then I'm running the game in 16 times SS? Or are they to separate things and when my multi-sampling options give me performance and quality thats just another way of them saying 2 and 4x?
Obviously there are smarter AA methods now like multisampling and edge detect filters, etc which give far less a performance hit, albiet at an IQ loss (which is generally unnoticeable unless scrutinized)
I have an edge detect filter option under my AA subsection and even if I put it up to 8xAA (24 Samples) not only does it give a huge performance hit, but it looks like trash, at least on TF2 the only game I've tried it on...
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