What is preventing Destiny from releasing on PC? It's always online so piracy shouldn't be that much of a problem and it's published by Activision. WTF?
Be thankful its not and trust me when i tell you that the game is below abysmal. Its not on pc because pc gamers have higher standards (this isn't a myth but reality) and know how mmos are. If this was to be released on pc and mmo players tried it, they'd rip this game a new asshole because the game is this bad and empty with literally zero content for you to do after 1 week of playing.
Who cares? the game is shit, only game I wish it were ported to PC from consoles is the ninja gaiden games, everything else they can keep.
I honestly don't see how anyone on pc could even care to play that game. It's a mash up of Bungie shooter with a half assed MMO. It combines the worst aspects of both and literally offers nothing you can't get from other games on pc all ready released and with far more content. Hell F2p MMo's have more content for **** sakes.
I honestly think it would flop. I now play only pc, and I wouldn't even think to pick that game up even on sale.
Why are you even talking about Destiny ... that game is fundamentally wrong and straight out terrible in terms of development design. Freaking Borderlands games gives you more "playable" value than Destiny ... Praise the streamers on Twitch that got me through the "story" grind ...
Because there is no demand for it on PC. It's a terrible game, and it wouldn't sell much with its bad reception.
Who would want it?
I got it for my PS4 and returned it a week later (I don't think it was even a week to be honest).
Totally over-hyped. I don't know what my console friends see in it. More repetitive than Pacman.
I own ti for PS4 and it was one of the biggest let downs in gaming I've had in a while. The game definitely looks good and has some interesting (and Borderlands inspired) ideas, but it simply isn't very fun to play.
Actually, if you feel like playing Destiny on PC then play WARFRAME.
It's amazing how many ideas Destiny stole from that game...
TBH almost everyone I know that plays it openly admits that it's terrible and that they only play it because their friends all have it, making it the go to game. It sold almost entirely on hype alone.
That's a trick Activision can't replicate again. Their ship to put Destiny on the PC sailed months ago,
What is preventing Destiny from releasing on PC? It's always online so piracy shouldn't be that much of a problem and it's published by Activision. WTF?
Just play Borderlands...
I agree just go with Borderlands. I play Destiny because 3 of my friends have it, but it is a bare bones experience.
It won't do well on PC because PC already has much better MMOs/Online only games. They are ripping off console gamers by releasing DLCs and calling them "expansions". Shitty and misleading business practices.
It won't do well on PC because PC already has much better MMOs/Online only games. They are ripping off console gamers by releasing DLCs and calling them "expansions". Shitty and misleading business practices.
.. Hell we have better F2P online games on our platform already with more content.
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