[QUOTE="Geminon"] many games have "allowed" players to dupe items in the past, due to a glitch. are you saying you cant ban people for clearly exploiting a problem in the code? the game allows you to do it, so why not right? i am not naive, you are just a low life. low lifers call honest people "naive" because they feel like they have to justify their actions. you think cheating is OK as long as you can somehow force an idiotic reason for it. take responsibility for your own actions. you cheated, you got punished for it.
ANET could place a mechanic in the game that instantly levels your character and gives you all the best gear... but if they tell you that you arent allowed to use it and you do it anyhow, you are a cheat, and you deserve to be banned. the fact of the matter is, exploiting a game system is against the rules. ANet sets the rules, because it is their game, NOT YOURS. they tell you how you are allowed to play, and if you dont follow their rules, you are banned. whether you think it is fair or not... it isnt up to you. play by the rules, or lose your account. its that simple.chrisrooR
It's not a problem that requires the player to manipulate code. It's in the game. Inside the finished game that is released for players to play through.
It isn't cheating, it's being smart with the tools that are provided to furthur your character. Cheating is ACTUALLY manipulating code, or downloading a bot to play for you. For example, lets say I play a game online and come across that's similar to the cotton example I had earlier. How would I know that it's considered an exploit? Would my assumption not be "Hey, I just found an amazing new way to generate money for my character?". You're assuming that everyone who used this exploit realized what they were doing was against the rules set by the developers.
And :lol: at your second part. Oh my f*ck dude. So if they put something in the game that would level your character instantly to level 80, you think that just telling people not to use the skill would stop people? That's naive.
And I haven't ever been banned from an MMORPG I've played, nor have I 'exploited'. I just feel it's foolish and backwards to punish someone for playing a game within the parameters I've set as its' creator.
P.S. It's cute that you think I've cheated, but I never have.
nowhere did i say anything about manipulation of code. i said exploiting problems in the code. BIG DIFFERENCE. i didnt say it would stop people from using it, i said if they did use it, they deserve to be banned due to breaking the rules. learn to read in the future? it would help you out a lot. you insinuate that you have some sort of ownership over the game. you do not. you simply play a game that ANET has provided for you. they make the rules. you want to break them? well then... you simply no longer get to play. not sure how much more black and white i can make it for you and your selfish opinion.
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