I know it's not exactly like that but for some reason Jade Empire reminded me a bit of Fable, and not only because they're both quality ports of old xbox games. They share similar colorful artistic sty-le, both are fantasy action rpgs with a choise to be evil or good and both have realtime 3rd person combat system(tho Fable's system is a lot better). JE is not nearly as good as Fable, but a decent game for the price anyway.
Overlord is close to the style and humor. Really though it is about being evil or super evil, you have no choice on the "good or evil" department, just on how evil you are.
I think you are just going to have to wait for Fable 2 to be released. there are very few games with a lvling system like Fable, with the 3rd person aspect. Apart from online games like WoW.
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