Hi guys
First of all, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not a PC gamer, I'm a console gamer (PS4 to be more precise). But I've been a PC gamer for about 6 years. I've played many hours of Counter-Strike, World of Warcraft, Spore, Half-Life, Portal, League of Legends, Left 4 Dead and I enjoy PC very very much. I've changed to the console for two main reasons. It's more easy to access (don't know if it's bad luck but I always had a bunch of technical problems with my games) and the exclusives. I know that for every console exclusive there's got to be about 30 PC exclusives but I can't afford two gaming systems and I couldn't just close my eyes to Uncharted, God of War, The Last of Us, Gran Turismo, games that are released first on the console (like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, etc.) and some others. Do you guys still think that in these days it is pretty much mandatory for a gamer to own a console whether it's a PS4 or a XONE?
TL;DR: Do you think that a gamer (even a PC gamer) should own a console?
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