red dead redemption looked even better than gta iv, character models that is...dakan45
Again it is an unfair comparison to compare Red Dead with GTA 4, for a starters the game isn't even out yet so we don't know just how well RDR runs on consoles. Sure we have seen Rockstar videos but come on they are hardly likely to put up videos displaying RDR in a bad light. I have even heard that on some of the carefully crafted RDR videos you could see frame rate issues.
Secondly last time I checked my history there weren't any skyscrapers in the wild west (although I could be wrong cowboy **** never interested me) so RDR will not have to render 600ft skyscrapers. I have been heavily critical of GTA 4 on the PC but even I admit that Liberty City is fantastically detailed. A modern 21st Century city will have a lot more detail and objects to render than a 19th century shanty town. The reason why RDR can be better graphically and be bigger is down to the fact that there is much less for the engine to render and draw, You can see this in miniture in games like Just Cause 2, when I am in the desert in JC 2 I get 60 fps but the minute I get into the city in JC 2 the frame rate drops to 30fps.
Any way we are getting way off topic, I just don't think it is fair to compare Alan Wake's graphics to GTA 4's. The same goes for RDR vs GTA 4 whilst they are both sandbox games the themes of both games are so radically different that it is an unfair comparison.
Getting back on the topic of Alan Wake if Remedy had stuck to the original brief of making AW an open world sand box game I would be more gutted than I am now that it is exclusive to the xbox 360 (sic) but the fact they changed the direction of the game so drastically it is no longer a game I would be interested in on the PC. I don't think this game will come to the PC, Microsoft are in fierce competition with the PS3 and they now see the PC as a competitor to their console and won't do the PC any favours if they can help it.
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