Legally, a No-DVD/CD patch is typically regarded as legal, though sometimes it may not be. It really all depends on the EULA. For example, some EULAs state the owner of a game may add additional content to a game, but are forbidden to reverse engineer, or modify a games executable (the EXE file).
Regarding using a No DVD/CD patch for BF2, if it modifies the exe, or if you are replacing the old exe with a new one, BF2 will NOT work on many servers. It wil think that you are trying to cheat and punkbuster will kick you. Instead, use a disc image (specifically, a mini disc image), mount in Daemon Tools and then run. You may need to use an anti-blacklisting tool such as Y.A.S.U.
Personally, I use mini disc images for nearly all of my games. It doesn't corrupt data or alter your exe (thus messing up any potential updates) and it allows me to keep my games' discs in good working condition. Without such techniques, I wouldn't be able to enjoy KotOR anymore, as my "play" disc developed a rather nasty crack that renders it unreadable. :/
P.S. typically, the term "No DVD crack" refers to those with illegal and/or nefarious purposes. The correct term is a No DVD patch. (but don't use those. just use a mini disc image, virtual drive tool, and an anti-blacklisting tool)
Like I've said before, I believe the official word is it is not illegal, but the fact still is that some consider it to be (which is why I don't believe it's allowed here, or at least wasn't, but here's why:
The stupid legal thingies and eula stuff states something to the effect of 'You may not circumvent copywrite protection.' Not even if you legally bought the game, which is kinda retarded, since you bought it, so it doesn't matter if you are the only one using it with it's circumvented copy protection. Many games use requiring a CD as one of many types of 'copy protection', so a crack, or even image (although images are even grayer areas) is circumventing copy protection.. Obviously requiring cds nowadays isn't exactly to save your hard drive space and run things from the CD, so..
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