umm no.. and in games that ya know use quad core's the SB i3 gets walked all over by a phII x4 or the fx-4100or a llano. thats simply bad reviewing. as for that ONE bulldozer 8150 bench.. dont act like its the end of the world we can cough it up to a number of things including support for the 8150 in the first place.
there isnt an excuse not to get a quad core. an athlon II x4 631 (phenom II x4 945) can be had for as cheap as $80 atm. and games basically need a 4 core. its impossible to avoid.
And which games are those taking significant advantage of four cores? Certainly not any of these, or these ones, either. Is going Phenom II X4 a little more future-proof for gaming? Potentially, but buying hardware for its potential future uses tends to be a bad ****ing idea, and for the majority of non-gaming consumer workloads two speedy cores are going to be better than four slower cores.
And I have no idea what you mean by "one bulldozer 8150 bench" -- every bench I've seen shows Bulldozer is a total non-starter as a consumer part. It struggles to compete with Phenom II in lightly threaded (read: the vast majority of consumer) workloads, and the FX-8xxx series is priced comparitively to Intel's quad-core offerings. Maybe devs will start to take advantage of 8 threads, and maybe the Win 8 optimization might pan out (and maybe Win 8 will launch sometime next year), and maybe AMD/Global Foundaries will work out the power consumption and clockspeed issues, but that's three (four) too many "maybes" when i5-2500k already outperforms the 8150 in all but the most heavily-threaded workloads and retails at (or close to, anyway; I think Amazon has the 8120 for $200 right now) 8120 prices.
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