This is not console wars thread, it's a plea to PC gamers. Also I'm not an English major so you've been warned. I just hope my point gets across.
It really is sad to hear so many PC gamers tell me how there are no more exclusives. Than they show me all their burned games in their backpack. WTF!?
Come on you guys. Farcry 2 is no longer PC exclusive and I bet my life that next year Crysis will be heading to consoles. Considering the poor sales it had for PC.
I think it's obvious that if you love PC gaming as much as I do I support devs who support PC gaming by purchasing their games STRAIGHT OFF THE SHELVES!
I admit I purchased some burned games a couple years back. But with PC games sales falling causing developers to turn away from the system, it just doesn't make sense anymore to do it. Burned PC games are hurting the business just as much as burned music cd's are hurting the music industry. The sad reality for us PC gamers is that unlike the music industry that has no choice but to fight it, game developers have the choice on whether they want to continue to support PC's or not. Because the real money maker now is the consoles. It's pretty much gotten to the point now where we should be grateful to a developing company that supports us exclusively.
On another note I meant it when I said "STRAIGHT OFF THE SHELVES". We have to purchase our games physically from the store and not online from "steam" or "gamefly", etc. Because the PC games purchased from these sites don't count towards the "NPD Group" . These guys specialize in creating reports on sales in the entertainment industry. Buying games online create a false report of PC games selling poorly. Which therefore sends a message to video game shareholders that there is no money to be made in PC gaming and that all games should be multiplatformed from now on. Therefore developers are forced to make thier PC exclusives no longer exclusive. Crysis and Unreal 3 sales were poor for PC probably because of high specs required, but how much better could those sales looked had everybody purchased physical copies of the games?
Sure purchasing online is more convient but I honestly believe it hurts PC gaming. Unless of course Steam and all the other online retailers start releasing thier numbers to the NPD.
Yeah so PC games look better. But the truth is console players don't care, and consoles games do look good nowadays and thats enough for them.
On another note if someone wants to get into PC gaming but they don't want to have to go through the whole building process, fill them in on boutique PC gaming stores like...
They'll build you a top of the line PC and install all the software for you (OS, drivers, etc.). Sure it's more expensive than building it yourself but console gamers don't have to build a console so I think most of them would rather not build a PC themselves. It'll last you 4-5 years without upgrading. Which is the same life span of a console. Plus it's no more expensive than buying a 360, PS3, online access, controllers, surround sound system and a decent size HD TV. But these sites also sell some cheaper models that can run current games.
On another note WOW is the lifeblood of PC gaming, but most of these people only play WOW. Introduce them to new (low spec.) games like Warcraft 3 and hopefully they'll be more willing to give PC gaming a chance.
Just trying to do my part in helping PC gaming.
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