Just for the record,Crysis CAN'T run on ANY console out now,at least notwithout dumbing the game down to where it'll suck hard.
Thats a complete Load of Crap and anyone with any remote sense of how Gaming works knows this. Crysis would run FINE on the Xbox 360 or PS3. Maybe the game wont be running in full DX10 with all the Settings at Highest. but Crysis is still the most breathtaking game on Medium Settings, and Medium Settings on Crysis I was able to configure on my brothers PC whom has Horrible Specs that the 360 & PS3 hammer without Question, so don't sit there and tell me Crysis is not possible on a console and HAVE to be dummed down. That is nothing but PC Bias ranting.
Also take into the fact that ALL of the Consoles Resources are being used toward running X Game where as a PC has to devote half its processing power to running Windows while still running X Game. Hence the Creation of the Dual Core Processer ect.. Well the PC isn;t the only console whom has this. the 360 has 3 cores, the PS3 has the cell chip and without an OS backing those consoles like the Horrible Resource Hog like XP or Vista Gaming in General can run at Solid Framerates without a Bog in Performance when compared to PC's.
They are also much easier to Develop for because every console has the same exact specs so there is only 1 graphic card, 1 set amount of ram, and 1 processer to work with to focus on.
I really hate it when people go on a rant saying Consoles can never accomplish what a PC can Because its just not True when it comes down to Resources & Specs. In the end of course PC gaming will "Look" better. But thats because there is a new generation of Video card EVERY YEAR. When the 360 came out the PC did NOT rival its graphics, they were on Par. But you Cannot Upgrade a Console. But we don't need to. The Graphics are still fine. Framerates are Solid, 1080P & 720P Resolutions are settings Higher than MOST PC gamers use on their Monitors, and to beserious. What games has the PC developed over the last 2 years with graphics that 100% totally smoke the 360 or PS3 ect.. out of the water?
Because of the facts I said above. The Consoles can render so much more with the ease of developement and massive amounts of dediced resources that allow it to rival a PC that was built TODAY rather than in a2005 PC as per Specs.
In Fact odds are youve had to Upgrade your PC Video Cardsinse 2005 to continue playing the games of 2007 on decent settings to keep GOOD Graphics and Framerates whereas for the some reason the 360 Graphics have been getting better & Better over the last 2 years because developers have had more time to learn all the tweaks possible with all the resources they just don't have access to that is on a PC.
Im not saying Console Gaming is "Better" Im just telling you the fact of the matter that console gaming is the general future of our society because of the ease of use, cost, and the lifespan without upgrades.
North America is POOR. Its not Rich despite what some of you people might think. Try Living on your own with your collage education, paying Rent, Student Debt, Food, Car Payments, Gas, Cable, Phone, Internet, you make 20 dollars an hour and you still cannot afford to pay for all of this, Then get married and have a kid(s). The cost of living in our Society is a laughable joke and you expect PC gaming to excel in our enviroment? The Average North American cannot afford to buy a Console let alone an average spec 6-800 Dollar PC that will HAVE to be upgraded inside of 3 years or less Because the Graphics Card is obsolete. whereas a console is a 1 time fee and its lifespan is in general 4-6 years, Plus you can RENT games with places like Gamefly that exist now that make the cost of gaming on a console almost nothing after the initial cost.
Over the last few years Have my eyes shifted a little bit to notice what the new console generation as done to gaming? Of course, You would have to be completly stupid to ignore what the console market has accomplished sinse the PS2 & Xbox with all the Shooters, Sports games, and Platformers they have produced. and now the Xbox 360 is basically a Computer with a Controller. Getting all the same Shooters and Action games the PC has been getting lately. Coincidence? No, Its because the developers have realized the Potential of the Console and the Power they now have in their Specs, and they present the ability to generate a Profit that makes the Profit the PC Market Generates look lame.
How much money do you think Call of Duty 4 is making across the 360, PS3, and PC? We all know the Console versions are bringing in probably more than 5-6x the Profit the PC version is because more people own a Console than a gaming PC because of Cost.
It's not about Developers being Loyal to PC Gamers, they are regular people like you and me who each make a Salary for a Company that wants PROFIT. Consoles make too much money to ignore anymore and they are the future of gaming.
I personally have accepted the fact. Why I own an Xbox 360, but I also still own a HIGH END PC, and probably always will. But the Consoles are just too impossible to ignore anymore.
Now im ranting on. Im done.
And to answer the OP's Question: I have not once ever DLed or bought a Pirated Game because its Wrong.
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