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[QUOTE="sillaris"] i hate games too where i NEED to have a group of 25people to get the best items. I dont like to depend on anyone or need a group to get anything done. Like EQ2 where its a group based game when i played 4 years ago, you had to have a group of 5 to do anything so if i jumped on at 3am and theres no one online = I cant play alone. Yea WoW has random dugeons now where you can Que in line and join a 5-10 player dungeon. they need 25 player ones too Dan_LeroOr you could join a guild = instant access. Besides, there's a raid finder where u can list yourself as looking for a raid and the most commonly used is the trade channel which always has people readying a group or looking for one.
Even in a guild you still depend on other people and most guilds that can actually clear raids already have preset raiding times and active rosters that you have to get on to actually raid. I quit for the same reason. I got tired of having to wait around for others to actually be able to do something worthwhile.
I quit back in 06 after playing it from launch, just got bored of it and haven't had any desire to return to it.
Started playing in the Christmas of 2008 and quit in may 2009.Came back in January 2010 and left in may 2010.Came back in September 2010 and Pre-Ordered Cataclysm and now I can't wait!
But I couldn't agree more with the 'Hate playing a game based on other peoples time schedules'.Sometimes this game is worth it sometimes it isn't
But right now it feels good.
I played a lot during vanilla wow and even BC. But quit a bit before wotlk came out. Started up a couple more times but have never had as much fun with it as I did with vanilla wow. Just started a few days ago but quit again due to the extreme level of boredom I get from it compared to other games and activities.
hey guys this will help you all so much in mastering this game.. ..check it out!!!mirodidoOne. Dont bring back old threads. Two. Do not advertise.
I've never been nearly into the game as much as some people. I tried it roughly when it first came out, and played it for like.. two days. It seemed pretty fun then, but I just never felt like logging back on after that.
I tried it another time just playing with a friend to 60, but.. stopped again. Tried it a THIRD time with Cata, and this time I got up to 70-something, but then got tired of the quest-grabbing and dungeon queuing.
The game is really not *my* idea of a good MMO. I know a lot of people like that style, and that's cool.. but I prefer the whole open world thing, exploration, grouping up with players and such. So I just went back to EQ :)
I played and quit with private servers. I started doing PVE for a few months to get a hang of the game. It was mostly BG/Arena servers from there, PVP all day.
2007-2008 Toxic, Wowscape, WoM
2010-June 2010 Wowlegacy
Enjoyed my time playing immensely. PVP, that's the best thing about WoW, or online gaming, really. But I don't think I'd be going back again.
Quit several years ago...WOW does not compare to some of the amazing games out there. I think a lot of WOW players are really missing out.
Quit several years ago...WOW does not compare to some of the amazing games out there. I think a lot of WOW players are really missing out.
Quite the contrary..I believe the WoW Battlegrounds/Arenas PvP far surpasses anything out there. It's all you can ask for from a MMORPG.
Quit several years ago...WOW does not compare to some of the amazing games out there. I think a lot of WOW players are really missing out.
Quite the contrary..I believe the WoW Battlegrounds/Arenas PvP far surpasses anything out there. It's all you can ask for from a MMORPG.
PvP when the honor system was just introduced was much, much better than the organized PvP that is used now in WoW. PvP servers were actually the real battlegrounds where it was kill or be killed.
Quit several years ago...WOW does not compare to some of the amazing games out there. I think a lot of WOW players are really missing out.
Quite the contrary..I believe the WoW Battlegrounds/Arenas PvP far surpasses anything out there. It's all you can ask for from a MMORPG.
Yes, perhaps you cant ask more from an MMORPG. But there are far better games out there in other genres to play than a button clicking rock, paper, scissors game that is MMORPG PvP..PvP when the honor system was just introduced was much, much better than the organized PvP that is used now in WoW. PvP servers were actually the real battlegrounds where it was kill or be killed.
Yeah, those PVP servers were great. I remember those 40 man raids into cities. Simply a blast.
I don't know about the situation now, though. I mainly only played during patches 2.4 and 3.3 during my stint.
Yes, perhaps you cant ask more from an MMORPG. But there are far better games out there in other genres to play than a button clicking rock, paper, scissors game that is MMORPG PvP..
I was mostly referring to PVP in online games, not games in general, my bad. But I don't think you can justify calling it rock paper scissors. There were like 10 classes and like 30 builds, each able to dominate in its own right.
I have been playing on and off since 2005. Finally quit at the end of 2009. I had my fun with the game, but I lost my purpose with the game. I originally got into it because I loved the Warcraft lore, and wanted a continuation of it through WoW. But endless grinding (which was really endless because as soon as you nabbed some high level gear from the new content, they release a new patch and all your hard work was for naught), generally unfriendly player base, and of course the time commitment, finally drove me to pull the plug once and for all.
You ought to as well.
I have been playing on and off since 2005. Finally quit at the end of 2009. I had my fun with the game, but I lost my purpose with the game. I originally got into it because I loved the Warcraft lore, and wanted a continuation of it through WoW. But endless grinding (which was really endless because as soon as you nabbed some high level gear from the new content, they release a new patch and all your hard work was for naught), generally unfriendly player base, and of course the time commitment, finally drove me to pull the plug once and for all.
You ought to as well.
Heh, that's why you skip all the grinding and go straight to the good stuff: pvp.
I quit when Wrath of the casuals came out. Before then I got rank 1 on Vengeance bg as a druid running druid /warrior in 2s in season 3 and getting glad in s1, s2 and s4. As well as clearing all PVE content from vanilla to end of BC, was resto in vanilla and was bear tank in BC.
Waste of time since blizz is recycling content now LOL.
Yeah, I take breaks from WoW quite often actually. My last break was about 8 months long; I hopped back on when Cataclysm came out, and played until about a week ago, but now I am done. Cataclysm was excellent but it lacked the longevity of previous installments.
I quit to play Rift. And I am glad I did.
downloading Rift right now! I Cant wait, got like 1.5 more hours
only got to play the beta for like two days! Just enough to tease me lol.
whats a good PvE server?
I never played retail WoW but I got caught up in the private server WoW. There is a huge community of players there on certain servers. In my time I played on WoWscape, Magic-WoW, WoWlegacy, & more recently Molten-Wow. I tried the 10 day free trial of retail WoW and I couldn't handle the slow paced nature of normal leveling. Anyways I put in prob close to 50 days worth of "/played" time if you were to add up all of my characters across those servers. I think now I've finally got tired of playing that game. Honestly every expansion is just another grinding session and it took me WOTLK to finally see it. Haha.
I quit WoW not because I wanted to, but because I had no choice considering each time my computer crashed (twice!). Haven't played WoW since Dec '09 and I don't plan on going back. I'll be more careful with Rift though, lol.
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