@BassMan: what does Gameworks have to do with maxing graphics? all it does is set the graphics options for you that you could have done yourself through the game's menu and the Nvidia Control Panel in tandem. i used it with my last Nvidia cards for a very short while but i don't like crap running that i don't need and it didn't do anything i couldn't do myself.
and saying it was an nvidia thing would make sense if there are effects not working for you but that do for others with different cards or frame dips that i do not experience at all anymore.
*edited later: just getting ready to go to work and remembered those commercials when dloading from Nvidia's site about Gameworks. it's their Experience garbage i was referring to earlier in post. but, even a lot of the Gameworks features work with AMD cards. HBAO+, Witcher's Hairworks. PhysX even works fine in most games, it's just a bit more taxing and sometimes not quite as smooth using AMD to do it. but how many, of the 3 i ever saw, games that run TressFX allow nvidia cards to run it?
@KHAndAnime: trust me, i've seen the PS4 version in comparison and it looks like most other of this gens console games, decent but lower res with less effects and lower frame rates. the PC game at even near to high settings looks quite a bit better, since i've installed it again anyway.
no offense to the people having a bad time with it that seem awfully touchy about this subject and have a lot of crap of to talk about it but haven't run it lately, or on the platform specified in the thread.
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