If you buy ArmA for the single player campaign then you're missing the point to be honest.
It's like if they made a new flight simulator and tacked on some single player story to it.... at the end of the day it's all about simulating flight.
Operation Flashpoint had a wonderfully done single player campaign. In fact, I never even touched the multiplayer. How was expecting a good single player campaign from Arma 2 "missing the point?"
Many of us aren't interested in playing multiplayer, and I don't think that it is naive to expect a good single player experience from a sim at all. It seems to me that a solid campaign mode has always been the backbone of combat sim games: Aces of the Pacific, Red Baron, Knights of the Sky, Tie Fighter and X Wing all had wonderful campaigns. There were usually no cutscenes or in-game scripted events: just a series of missions with a short narrative in the briefing and an overarching story to tie them together. If Arma 2 just did this instead of trying to pull a CoD4, I would have probably loved the game.
And at the end of the day, it's not only about simulating a flight, or a ground battle for that matter. Simulating a soldier is just as important to me....moving up in rank, gaining medals, getting better equipment as the campaign progresses, etc.
Arma 2 advertised a single player campaign and it didn't deliver. It was in no way advertised as a mainly multiplayer simulator. I was disappointed with the game, and I think that's completely justifiable.
oh man imagine if ArmA 2 had a dynamic campaign like most flight sims? I know that'd be kinda of insane to pull off with so many different units and stuff, but imagine just looking at this campaign map, seeing these fights go down, and then having a list of missions for both infantry, vehicles, and aircraft and being able to pick them at will.
Oh, and I agree with you entirely concerning singleplayer. Also nice to see someone that played Aces of the Pacific, likely one of my all-time favorite sims...the fights against the aces were soooooo fun.
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