absent does not necessarily mean unfinished. Maybe they wanted to stress the singleplayer more than multiplayer? After all, this is a large-scale military game with a lengthy campaign.
and no, it is not a requirement of PC FPSs.
yes it is a requirement, its a general thing that there HAS to be a dedicated server unless you don't give a **** about your multiplayer, if that's the case your really stupid. FPS should always have a strong multiplayer component or just don't include it at all.
also Codemasters outsourced their dedicated server work to another company due to the "lack of time" which I find hard to believe because this game was announced quite a while back.
check, your move!
i dont know what Big Book of Game Development Rules you read, but there is absolutely zero requirement for a game to include a multiplayer mode at all. If anything, multiplayer is a perk of any game released unless the game is specifically designed for multiplayer (unreal tournement series, battlefield series).
Furthermore, wouldnt you take it as a sign that the multiplayer would be an afterthought if they outsourced it? Its sort of hard to be let down when they essentially tell you the multiplayer aspect will by sub-par.
Just because first-person shooters are the most popular, most ideal, platform for multiplayer doesnt necessitate that they have to have it, especially when so much work and time has been put into the singleplayer aspect of it
I don't know where you learned to read because I didn't say that there HAD TO BE MULTIPLAYER. I said if you have multiplayer FPS, include a dedicated server.
If multiplayer is an afterthought, then this game will be dead in two months. The editor is way too complicated for this game. Arma II's editor is more powerful (from a community point of view, I script for it) and it is also easier and more user friendly.
Once again your googly eyes must have read something that I said the game must include multiplayer... I said THERE HAS TO BE A DEDICATED SERVER FOR FPS MULTIPLAYER!
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