I've played all CoD games for PC and I really enjoyed them, but comparing CoD4 to Crysis, I'd have to say Crysis wins out. I've played CoD4 Demo once or twice and got bored with it. I've been playing the Crysis demo over and over since I downloaded it.
There is so much about Crysis that I like. The graphics and physics are amazing. The freedom of being able to do anything in Crysisis great. I can choose to play the entire level and barely kill anyone or I can kill every soldier on the island. I can also take multiple paths to my objectives. For example I can swim under the patrol boats and avoid every soldier on the beach or I can run down the beach guns blazing or sneek through the jungles and pick them off one by one, or I can kill the soldiers on the patrol boat and take the boat to my objective, avoiding the hassle of killing soldiers.
I can even accomplish my objectives in different ways when I get to them. For example, one of the objectives you have to access a computer and download some data. One time I killed everyone in the camp to get to it, another time I used the cloaking ability of my suit and just ran in there, finished the objective, then used the suit again and ran out, and I wasn't even noticed. For that same objective I can take a road straight into the camp, or climb the rocks on the side and get into the camp from the side, avoiding MGs and multiple soldiers.
The interactivity of the environment is very cool.The leaves on trees move when you shoot them, you can even break trees in half, you can destroy the roofsof buildings and blow out walls, you can pick up almost any object and throwit at soldiers to knock them to the ground, you can even pick up and throw enemy soldiers, and you can even pick up turtles, birds, and crabs and stuff, what other game lets you do that? The objects you throw in the water actually float, I've spent hours just throwing stuff in the water and shooting them to move em around lol
In all I'd say Crysis is the better game. It makes you think out what you are going to do next because there are so many posibilities, I'm sure I havn't even thought ofeverything I can do yet, and this is only in one levelof the game. I'm spending days playing this one level, imagine the replay value of the full game.Even though people say the game is poorly optimized, I play it with no problems with a Athlon 64 X2 4200+ 2.20GHz Dual-Core, GeForce 7600GT, and Vista x64. There are some stuttering problems in certain areas,but that, more than likely, has to due with the fact that I only have 1GB of RAM, so I'll be getting another gig soon enough.
Crysis > CoD4 imho
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