There is a Q&A session with ubisoft here. They detail what the new investigation missions are, the official system requirements and also several new screenshots for the PC! Tell me what you think!
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There is a Q&A session with ubisoft here. They detail what the new investigation missions are, the official system requirements and also several new screenshots for the PC! Tell me what you think!
Quite demanding for hardware... surprise though...
I'm one of those few who have not yet played AC, so I'm quite excited about this. I hope they don't screw things up with the PC version.
Quite demanding for hardware... surprise though...
I'm one of those few who have not yet played AC, so I'm quite excited about this. I hope they don't screw things up with the PC version.
Did you like the article? It was good how they said what the new investigation missions were don't you think?
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Is anyone interested in this? CubePrime_basicSure am. Thanks.
You're welcome. I thought more people would be interested in finding out what the new investigation missions were.
Yeah it is an interesting article - I should be able to run it - may wait thou to see what ppl say about before buying itFandangle
Yeah same. I am sketpical about the game and even reading it about - I would rather play a demo but I don't know if that will be possible. Im glad you liked the article sir.
[QUOTE="Fandangle"]Yeah it is an interesting article - I should be able to run it - may wait thou to see what ppl say about before buying itbiggest_loser
Yeah same. I am sketpical about the game and even reading it about - I would rather play a demo but I don't know if that will be possible. Im glad you liked the article sir.
Thanks for posting it - Assassin Creed has always been a game that I thought I would find interesting - A Demo would be great so I can see just how system heavy the game is as well as controls etc.
The new content is nice but since I haven't played a console version I probably won't even notice, I didn't with Gears of War. What was most interesting for me in that article is the changes to the AI. I've heard from friends and read on forums that the AI on the console versions is very dumb. All you need to do to get away with killing random people is use the blend button all the time and no one cares, but it sounds like they've addressed this in the PC version.
I'm starting to look forward to this again now, I'd given up waiting for it because they were taking their time and giving no indication on why it was being delayed. But now I can see they haven't just been giving each other piggy back rides all day, which is good.
I may even preorder, not decided yet though.
Have fun
I seem to remeber an FAQ ages ago before the console versions were released where they said they wouldn't do a demo for any platform as the demo would have to be at least half a city to give a good indication of what the game was like. And they weren't confortable with a demo so big.
I kinda see their point to be honest.
Have fun
Screw some crappy new missions - they've improved the AI. That's what's gonna make the game good, not a few new missions.
"Also, the reaction of the guards to stealth assassination is now based on the number of NPC around you making it more realistic. If there is no one around you, guards will spot you much faster and if the crowd is bigger, you won't be spotted that fast."
That is better than any new mission, I'd say. Too bad they haven't improved the combat AI. I only played the 360 version for about ten minutes, but that was by far the weakest part of the game from what little I played.
Screw some crappy new missions - they've improved the AI. That's what's gonna make the game good, not a few new missions.
"Also, the reaction of the guards to stealth assassination is now based on the number of NPC around you making it more realistic. If there is no one around you, guards will spot you much faster and if the crowd is bigger, you won't be spotted that fast."
That is better than any new mission, I'd say. Too bad they haven't improved the combat AI. I only played the 360 version for about ten minutes, but that was by far the weakest part of the game from what little I played.
Well at least they listened to the publics opinions on it. Thats a really good sign i guess..
Not trying to take a big smelly dump all over your parade, but this game will still be repetitive IMO. Even though they've added new missions, it's the same thing for every target. I played halfway through the 360 version before I said "Screw it, I've seen everything there is to see," or something along those lines.
However, the cities are extremely immersive. One city has this ridiculously huge tower that was really fun to climb, and the rich districts are awesome. The poor districts are full of (literally) retarded people who attack you as soon as you get near them, and these women that run up to you and block your path begging for change. I take my hidden knife and stealth kill them right in the middle of large crowds, then walk away before she even slumps over.
In conclusion, I would rather get Mass Effect over Assassin's Creed.
Not trying to take a big smelly dump all over your parade, but this game will still be repetitive IMO. Even though they've added new missions, it's the same thing for every target. I played halfway through the 360 version before I said "Screw it, I've seen everything there is to see," or something along those lines.
However, the cities are extremely immersive. One city has this ridiculously huge tower that was really fun to climb, and the rich districts are awesome. The poor districts are full of (literally) retarded people who attack you as soon as you get near them, and these women that run up to you and block your path begging for change. I take my hidden knife and stealth kill them right in the middle of large crowds, then walk away before she even slumps over.
In conclusion, I would rather get Mass Effect over Assassin's Creed.
They have changed the order of the missions - surely that won't make it as repetitive.
The new investigations sound quite different - theres a race across a rooftop, a protection one i think..
Who knows, I'm not buying it though seeing as I already own the 360 version. I'd rather get Mass Effect, which coincidentally, I own for 360 too. :P
I've never played Mass Effect though and I'd rather experience the much superior PC version.
As someone who was upset over the lack of content of AC on console it seems they didn't get the message. Four new investigation types is hog wash. That won't make the game any less repetitive. Investigations all together were the problem. 90% of the time completing these didn't give you any useful information and they were boring.
The only reason anyone did them was because you get an extra life bar and you were required to do a set number to get to the kills. Also as usual Ubi doesn't care about pc gamers and makes there games with monster requirements. Shenanigans.
Biggest_Loser, I love you but unless I get a new computer Im not gonna be playing this.AnotherKill
lol, uhh thanks. What are your current specifications boyo?
As someone who was upset over the lack of content of AC on console it seems they didn't get the message. Four new investigation types is hog wash. That won't make the game any less repetitive. Investigations all together were the problem. 90% of the time completing these didn't give you any useful information and they were boring.
The only reason anyone did them was because you get an extra life bar and you were required to do a set number to get to the kills. Also as usual Ubi doesn't care about pc gamers and makes there games with monster requirements. Shenanigans.
you do realise you can play this game maxed out with a 700$ computer, tops, right? Stop hating AC, I still welcome the game, it's engine is great and should be fantastic for mods and other things.
[QUOTE="EndersAres"]As someone who was upset over the lack of content of AC on console it seems they didn't get the message. Four new investigation types is hog wash. That won't make the game any less repetitive. Investigations all together were the problem. 90% of the time completing these didn't give you any useful information and they were boring.
The only reason anyone did them was because you get an extra life bar and you were required to do a set number to get to the kills. Also as usual Ubi doesn't care about pc gamers and makes there games with monster requirements. Shenanigans.
you do realise you can play this game maxed out with a 700$ computer, tops, right? Stop hating AC, I still welcome the game, it's engine is great and should be fantastic for mods and other things.
Yes true. I feel that a lot of games might be able to take inspiration from its design.
I am really hoping that IF there is a Thief: IV that you will have this sort of freedom in the city to climb and jump across roofs. Who thinks that would be cool? Raise your hand!
[QUOTE="razormenacer"]Quite demanding for hardware... surprise though...
I'm one of those few who have not yet played AC, so I'm quite excited about this. I hope they don't screw things up with the PC version.
Did you like the article? It was good how they said what the new investigation missions were don't you think?
Yes I liked, thanks. I didn't really pay too much attention on those investigation missions, as I haven't played AC before. Anyhow, I have great expectations for this one.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"][QUOTE="razormenacer"]Quite demanding for hardware... surprise though...
I'm one of those few who have not yet played AC, so I'm quite excited about this. I hope they don't screw things up with the PC version.
Did you like the article? It was good how they said what the new investigation missions were don't you think?
Yes I liked, thanks. I didn't really pay too much attention on those investigation missions, as I haven't played AC before. Anyhow, I have great expectations for this one.
I haven't play it either. I have just heard much hype about this game. I am quite intrigued to play it and decide for myself.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Is anyone interested in this? Adversary16
You know I am!
lol, I knew you'd show up eventually. How's it going? Still excited for the game I see..
Looks like its been delayed again for a few more days. Supposed to be March 28 for Europe, but in the Q&A the guys says early April at first I thought he was just refering to the US only but I guess not. Thanks for the article btw.
lol, I knew you'd show up eventually. How's it going? Still excited for the game I see..biggest_loser
Sure I am! Just one more month... :D
[QUOTE="CubePrime_basic"][QUOTE="EndersAres"]As someone who was upset over the lack of content of AC on console it seems they didn't get the message. Four new investigation types is hog wash. That won't make the game any less repetitive. Investigations all together were the problem. 90% of the time completing these didn't give you any useful information and they were boring.
The only reason anyone did them was because you get an extra life bar and you were required to do a set number to get to the kills. Also as usual Ubi doesn't care about pc gamers and makes there games with monster requirements. Shenanigans.
you do realise you can play this game maxed out with a 700$ computer, tops, right? Stop hating AC, I still welcome the game, it's engine is great and should be fantastic for mods and other things.
Yes true. I feel that a lot of games might be able to take inspiration from its design.
I am really hoping that IF there is a Thief: IV that you will have this sort of freedom in the city to climb and jump across roofs. Who thinks that would be cool? Raise your hand!
*raises hand*
Thief would be really awesome with this free-roam design.
ive played the press release demo and ik can run it maxxed out on my
amd 3800x2 socket 939 2 gigram xp
7900gto original clocks
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Yes true. I feel that a lot of games might be able to take inspiration from its design.
I am really hoping that IF there is a Thief: IV that you will have this sort of freedom in the city to climb and jump across roofs. Who thinks that would be cool? Raise your hand!
*raises hand*
Thief would be really awesome with this free-roam design.
That would be a great idea, but it would have to be PC-exclusive. Not that I hate consoles, but developers have a habit of thinking that console gamers are idiots and therefore dumb down games.
(note: I'm not saying console gamers are idiots. It's just many games get dumbed down for the console audience, it's like devs themselves underestimate console gamers)
Stop hating AC
Don't put words in my mouth. I don't hate the game. In fact I enjoyed it up to the point where I was tired of the repetitious combat and mission design. Even the story had me pissed off several times. As for mods? When is the last time Ubi released mod tools for a single-player game? I guess that's a common saying these days.
I have a feeling the controls are gonna be like this: Right-Click is sprint, space is to interact with environment I.E climb walls, jump ledges and hide in hay bails.
I have a feeling that the game will run so-so: I'd say if you have an 8600GT/2600XT, 2GB of RAM and a Dual Core processor, you can probably run run the game on medium at 1024x768 without issues.
I also think if you have an 8800GT/GTS G92, you will max it at 1680x1050 very easily.
Just a feeling......
Yeah I also have a feeling that it will run great on my P4 2.4 GHz single core, 1 GB RAM and a SM 3.0 video card. I don't know why the requirements are so high, I think the game looks just like Splinter Cell Double Agent. :|gs_gear
Just remember the scale of the game for one thing. Its a massive free roaming city with dynamic shadows and lighting effects and every building is accessible to climb etc. Of course it would be taxing...
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