This thread will be for gameplay discussion of Assassin's Creed 2 for the PC - please keep any discussions about Ubisoft's DRM confined to those threads. Thank you. :)
My first impressions, after playing for a couple of hours, are extremely positive. For me, the original game was really an exploratory game - but here in the sequel the gameplay, at least in the initial hours, is much richer and deeper. The story is unfolding very nicely, and the missions themselves are hugely enjoyable, and don't feel repetitious at all. So my biggest complaint about the first game has actually been addressed. Hooray!
I'm a bit of a graphics.... horse... so you'll have to forgive me for shouting with joy about how this game looks. The 360 version is antiquated junk in comparison with this. I've seen the 360 version and it's not even close. The colors in this game seem much richer than in the original (for the PC) but somehow everything looks a whole lot sharper as well. I also love the way certain NPCs are highlighted slightly - it's a charming effect that really catches your eye. The art style, this time out, is much more interesting than it was in the original game - you really feel like you're wandering through Italy during the Renaissance: the clothing that people are wearing, and the style of architecture is all amazingly well done.
With all the sliders maxed out, and 4X AA, at 1920x1080, the game not only looks fantastic but it runs like butter (Core i7, GTX 275, VISTA 64). At first there was a slightly jittering sensation, which was really annoying me a lot, but this was completely resolved when I turned off V-sync. Also, I'm using a 360 controller and it's fantastic. I can use the analog movement to glide Ezio around corners while I explore Florence.
All in all, this has surpassed my expectations so far. I'm only a few hours in, but this has already got game-of-the-year written on it for me personally.
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