Alot people mistaken demanding system source to the actual optimization, So far the SLI profiling worked great, and all CPU cores are evenly worked out through and through, I agree that a lot glitches need to be addressed, especially on PC, but visually speaking ACU is definitely top 3 best looking PC games out there that is, its graphic totally justify the system requirement.
To address the topic, you probably shouldn't get PC version if you have anything less than a GTX680/770 and if you don't mind stick to low/medium setting(below console visual) game doesn't seem ask much from CPU and Ram, 3rd gen I5 and 8G should be enough, (60% on my CPU and 40% on 32G ram)
For everyone's info(from Nvidia)
Now that pic is just nonsense, the 680 and 770 are basically the same card.. And the difference is low to high?
And come on.. the requirements are justified? The game has literally the worst pop-in I have ever seen. Also it looks great inside interiors and when on street level, but when you get on a roof or an open area the awful LOD starts to show all over the place. The game is horribly optimized, even the console version which is supposed to run at 30 keeps dropping to 20.
770 has 8%-15% advanctage on 680 in all benchmark tests, suggesting a better card to play at slightly higher setting sounds pretty reasonable to me. especially from GPU manufacture itself.
Maybe there are many reasons to hate ACU, but graphic definitely isn't one of them, people asking for true next gen graphic and UBI delivered(maybe pushed the limit little too far) this is the detail on one random NPC out of couple thousands,
pop in had been fixed 1 patch ago, also in door environment has 95% less objects/Characters with no GI to render, hence requirement far less computing power, same with every other open world games ever released,
making no mistake, this game is built for 5% PC gamers, and maybe 2% for full experience. UBI did made it clear before release, I'm sure most PC gamers read the system requirement.
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