Well im in a bit of a pickle here. I had A Sennheiser HD555+Bravo v2+and zalman clip on mic combo previously for my PS3. It worked for the most part, But I hated the clip on mic with a passion. I'm sorry not to be rude to anyone who loves it, but I hate that it picked up every thing in my room . It's not a boom mic, and since my room is the bus stop to get to hell, I have a fan on constantly and it annoyed other players when chatting online. But I dealt with it as best I could. Trying this setup on Xbox 360...Not so good. It was horrible due to the 360 utterly bad sound. plus the fact I had to have both voice and Chat on the same channel made it nearly impossible to hear team-mates and/or use the headsets to their full functionality. Also to add to the fun, my current PC Headset broke on me. It was never a good one, but decent enough...more or less. So now I need a headset for my PS3(Least Important), Xbox 360(most important) and PC(second most important)
I grew tired of the Bravo setup due to the fact I rarely use my PS3 nowadays(which for PS3, worked fine) and Since a whole ton of titles, more importantly big multiplayer games are hitting, (which I will be getting for 360) and the fact that the setup was "ehh" at best on 360(total blame on the xbox ^_^...or me I dont know). So I looked into the Astro A40 Sound system(Don't flame me just yet, keep reading) since I wanted something that would work on all three systems and just wanted to cave on the whole research and setup aspect of things. I've heard of Astros headsets themselves being low quality, but now they have a 2011 version which fixed all the issues of its predecessor. Whatever, I never heard the first one, so I'm a virgin going into it regardless.(wow that sounded incredibly Ga...). It is $250 + $12 for it to be shipped to me. I nearly took the plunge. But decided to be myself, and look at reviews like I always do(I hate me), but to my avail I saw more praise on the sets than before(on the 2009) editions. Not too many horrible reviews...but the ones I did see were enough to have me reconsider.
Astro Mixamp: I got to the conclusion(sadly there is more writing I'm sorry), that the real draw is the Astro Mixamp. I've seen alot of mic setups and a lot of people recommending this mixamp for exactly what I need. I hear the Headsets are crap and not worth $120(since the amp is $130). I would use a TOSLink cable on the 360 Optical port(I'm sure the Slim has one...If not then this is a shot in the dark, and a jab to the crotch if it doesn't) and etc. The Mixamp comes with the necessary cables(except Optical) such as 360 chat cable and PC Y Connector for Separate audio/mic hook-ups(what I need, I think).
Audio Technica AD700: Well, from what I hear in alot of forums and internet talk(Keyword is "HEAR" not my opinion cause I don't know) is they are better for "gaming" then the HD555's...Of course this all opinions and whatnot. Also check out this pic:
This is basically the mod I want to do with the AD700. (Here comes a stupid part) Putting the mic mod will be much easier on the AD700 than on the HD555 since the AT's have the flat recess on the cup whereas the HD555's is rounded. I'm not smart and I'm pretty sure an unborn fetus knows how to put the mod on HD555's, but I'm quite "Not there" in the head at times(notice the long post). But like I said this isn't the only reason I want them. The "gaming" aspect(no confirmation on this) over the Sennheisers and I hear they're more comfortable. The HD555's pinch my glasses and hurt at times over extended periods of time. But I know both are solid sets.
Labtec LVA-7330-Boom mic, plain and simple. I hate the clip-on zalman so much, mostly cause of the environment I'm in. Although the labtec is quite hard to come by, nowadays but I have a source(sound like a drug dealer...) Plus I can bend it to be comfortable, unlike the zalman I usually had to deepthroat the mic for anyone to hear me(Did I just say that?!?)
So I can grab a pair of the Headphones for around 80-100 New, The Mic, $10 new and The Mixamp would be $130. Total around $235(less than the Astro A40 Sound system). With all things considered in this post and the things I am looking for, Is this the route I should take? If yes or no please feel free to give me more insight. Audio is definitely not my forte, I just want the best deal for my money. If there is a better headset or combination I should go for that doesnt break the bank, I'm all ears. Thank you for your time and reading this long post. I apoligise for my stupid humor beforehand...it's a curse. And please if I said something wrong cause of lack of knowledge please forgive me, I'm not trying to troll. Thanks again
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