Why would you tell me to forget about B&W and get Seas then... Implying I can afford something exclusive lol... and the B&W Diamond 800 is often compared to $300K speakers lol (Wilson Alexandra / Revel Ultima etc...)[QUOTE="Mozelleple112"]
[QUOTE="NVIDIATI"]Again this is not a popularity contest, you're focusing on a mass market product, while speakers using Seas drivers are more exclusive, in fact there are only 2 dealers in Norway, one of them is their factory. Even Joe D'Appolito uses Seas in his builds, and his clients are companies like Usher, and Snell (he's currently their chief engineer). You're avoiding the question and throwing out generalizations. Next time you want to make an argument take some time to do some real research.
And why isn't a popularity contest valid when its from enthusiasts? unless speakers using Seas cost like $200K there is no reason why these people who spend $5K-$50K on their home cinemes don't get them...
And even if I wanted exclusive-house priced speakers I'd go for Snell THX speakers (:
Seas maybe exclusive but that does not mean its overpriced. A pair of monitors with Seas prestige drivers can go for around $500 to $700 (not out of your budget). Also people do purchase them, Tyler Acoustics is right in that price range for $5k-50K, their top of the line linbrook series and woodmere beat out the 800D. Also Snell uses Seas drivers in their reference speakers... Like I said Joseph D'Appolito uses Seas drivers in some of his builds, if you don't know who he is you should look him up.Just a few examples of speakers using Seas:
Snell LCR7 XL
Snell B7 Reference
Snell A7 Reference Towers
Linkwitz Orion
Tyler Accoustics Woodmere
Tyler Acoustics Linbrook
Tyler Acoustics Decade
Seas Thor
Zaph ZA-SR71
Seas Idunn
Joseph Audio Pearl2
Snell IC-B7S
Snell IC-B7VH
Snell IC-C7S
Snell IC-C7VH
Interesting... Do you know what drivers the Snell THX Music & Cinema reference use?
Finding information about them is IMPOSSIBLE. I've chatted with Kipnis on Facebook about his speakers a few times, but never asked about drivers.
Are they Seas too?
I couldn't even find a picture of the Snell speakers :S And they're not on their website either... :(
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