How can a retail release be worse than the beta? Some of the obvious problems I have noticed with BC2
A. Occasionally cannot even connect to the EA login servers
Servers are overloaded. Performance issues are to be expected with the launch of a title this big. People will have forgotten all about the terrible launch issues within a few days.
B. Getting randomly kicked from maps after loading in. This will happen several times in a row
EA fixed this early today. Unfortunately not all of the server providers have applied the patch yet..but if you filter out servers with "R4" in the title, you can play on those servers without issue ("R4" servers are confirmed as updated.) This also only affects certain accounts *NOT* everyone. I know because I was affected by it, but none of my friends were.
C. My veteran unlock (The M1 Garand) disappeared and is no longer available
Yeah, happening to everyone AFAIK, myself included. This bug isn't really bothering me though..the tiny clip makes the weapon impractical to use anyway. Stick with your unlock weapons.
D. Alot of the servers have HORRIBLE lag. I had a 600 ping on one, with most others having pings in the 300s
Do you not understand how ping works? Play on severs near your area and you won't have pings issues. Jesus.
E. SStatus updates take forever
You mean the server browser refresh? It's not that bad, but I will agree that it's a bit too long.
F. It seems more difficult to kill people now, requiring several shots
Lol, no. Damage has been significantly increased (something like 25%), and the game's hit detection is also much better. You're the first person I've seen claim this.
G. The server browser is busted, not properly displaying server pings and being slow to refresh. Although every BF game has done this
Run the game as administrator and you'll see pings. EA/DICE are working on a proper fix.
H. The first mission in the campaign is absolutely terrible
Why are you playing the campaign again..?HooahDOc
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